
On this page you will find the latest information about what has been happening in and around Allen Hall Seminary.

Solemn Oaths 2023

Cardinal Vincent Nichols celebrated mass at Allen Hall Seminary and was witness to the signing of the solemn oaths by priests and deacons to be. Congratulations once again to Matus, Robert, Eddie, Dale, Gustavo, Frazer and Tom who will be ordained Deacons this summer. Also a big congratulations to Francis, Mark, Juan and Marco who will be oradained to the Sacred Priesthood this summer.

Attached is a link to the photos of the mass which can be found on our Allen Hall Flickr account:

Candidacy 2023

Five seminarians were made candidates in May 2023 on their journey towards priesthood. Congratulations to Scott, Stephen, Sean, Paolo and Gary. The mass was celebrated by Archbishop of Southwark John Wilson at Allen Hall Seminary.

This is a link to our Allen Hall Flickr account where you can find the photos for the event.