Retreat Weekend

Following the first week of academics, the seminary community retreated into a weekend of silence. Within Allen Hall, the seminarians were reminded that the four pillars of formation both overlap and intertwine. That’s why we have a retreat just as the academic term begins. Amidst the silence interspersed with communal gathering in the Divine Offices, rosary, and Holy Mass. Was the particular theme of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The conferences, led by the house Spiritual Director, recalled Jesus embracing a child and teaching his disciples that it was those who welcomed God’s Kingdom as a little child who would bear the legacy of Christ (Mark 10). Interestingly, according to a strand of Patristic Tradition; the child that Jesus placed amongst his disciples and blessed, was later renowned as St Ignatius of Antioch. An encounter with his Lord and God from such a tender age evidently led him to follow Christ and unite himself to Jesus in martyrdom. From his youth to the end of his life, this Saint remains as one such example of those whose lives were forever changed by trusting in the Lord of Mercy. The Sacred Heart calls out to us with the passion and desire of Christ, who seeks our purest response. At different stages throughout this year, the seminarians will enter into another silent retreat where they will ponder on their vocations with little distraction and aided by many prayers.

Our Lady of Walsingham

From the silence into the calendar of Marian celebrations. The Allen Hall community remembers ‘England’s own Nazareth’ in the Holy Mass and Offices of the day. Blessed Mary has always supported the members of her Son’s Church dutifully and lovingly ever since humanity was entrusted to her at the foot of the Cross (John 19:26-27). The Mother of God remains by our side, accompanied by her spouse the Blessed St Joseph. The seminarians are reminded to do all things within the intercession of the Holy Family and grow in relationship with each of them.

Our Lady of Walsingham – pray for us