Sunday Mass: Sat 6.30pm (Vigil), 10.30am 6.30pm
Weekday Mass: Mon ,Tues, Fri 12 Noon, Thurs 6.00pm
The church is closed for deep cleaning on Wednesdays
Holy Day Mass: 12 Noon and 7pm
Exposition: Fri 11am-11.45am (except during Lent and the first Friday following Christmas and Easter)
Confession Sat 5.45pm-6.15pm and by appointment with the Parish Priest
Bank Holiday Mass Times are published in the newsletter
Changes to our services may occur due to funerals, school services or meetings of the Deanery so please check the newsletter for the latest information or call the Parish Office. Thank you.
Christmas Mass Times December 22
Christmas Eve 24 December
Family Mass 5.00 pm
Lessons and Carols 10.00pm
Mass During the Night 10.30pm
Christmas Day 25 December
Mass of Christmas Morning 10.30am
There is no evening Mass on Christmas Day