
‘Performance-Oriented’ LENT

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday! As the time of Lent is getting shorter and shorter, we face yet another risk, in fact a big temptation: to measure, to judge, to assess our ‘performance’. After the risk of an ‘Abstract Lent’ with no impact in our concrete day-to-day life; the risk of a ‘Formal Lent’ made […]

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After the risk of an ‘Abstract Lent’ ineffective in our real concrete lives, the risk of a ‘Formal Lent’ duly kept outwardly in terms of fasting, prayer and almsgiving but missing out the deep truth about our inwardly transformation, the risk of an ‘Orphan Lent’ somehow lost and disconnected from Easter and from Pentecost, there […]

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Orphan Lent

After the risk of an ‘Abstract Lent’ and the deception of a ‘FormalLent’, there is third, even more dangerous risk, an ‘Orphan Lent’.What do I mean?Lent does not exist by itself, it does not have meaning on its own.Lent has a ‘father’, and the father of Lent is the Passover.Lent has a ‘mother’, and the […]

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Formal Lent

After ‘Abstract Lent’ there is a second risk, a ‘Formal Lent’.  Most of us see Lent as a time when we ‘must’, we ‘ought’, we ‘have to’. Fine, but what do we ‘need to’? Is there more to Lent than religious obligations and dietary restrictions? Is there a deeper truth beyond the ‘form’ of Lent? […]

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Abstract LENT

The Lenten journey has begun: out of the slavery of the land of Egypt, through the desert, to the freedom of the Promise Land. Sorry, can you repeat? What do you mean by ‘slavery’ and ‘freedom’? Pharaoh, Egypt, desert?  What are they? We all run a huge risk: Lent in abstract. In his Lenten Message […]

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The ‘revenge’ of Mercy

Next Wednesday ashes will be put on our heads as we hear the exhortation to works of penance and repentance. We know, it is about fasting, prayer and alms-giving. But, why? And, what for? Why? Because of sin. What for? Not to die, but live! After the grievous sin of human pride, with Adam’s rebellion, […]

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School of Prayer

Early in January Pope Francis inaugurated a ‘Year of Prayer’ ahead of the 2025 Jubilee Year. Last week, the Pope announced the setting up of a ‘School of Prayer’. What will it involve? I don’t really know(!), but I think the Pope will speak about our hands. When we pray, we use words, loud voice […]

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The absolute need for prayer

“Today we begin the Year of Prayer, a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and the absolute need for prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world.” With these words, at the end of last Sunday’s Angelus, Pope Francis announced the need to prepare in view of the 2025 […]

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Let us look at Him

The herald Angels singing, the Shepherds of Bethlehem, the Magi from the East, Mary and Joseph, they all seems so, so far… Yes, far but not over, no. Theirs was a decisive experience, the same for us: to see God made man. “And so… let us look at Him. Let us wonder at His humility. […]

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Search… and you will find it

The Shepherds of Bethlehem, the Wise Men from the East and the first disciples of Jesus. What do they all have in common? They searched and they found. Yes, search and you will find too. The Shepherds of Bethlehem were awake in the night, vigilant. The silence of the night made them attentive, alert, in […]

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