”Women why are you crying?” CHRIST our hope is RISEN ALLELUIA!

Have you ever heard of “tomb psychology”?

Thinking that everything is going badly in my life and things can’t get worse… Losing heart… feeling sick in spirit…

cynical, negative and despondent… Growing disheartened and tempted to judge everything in the light of our failures…

Dissatisfied and confused… not knowing really why…

A succession of complaints… litanies of disappointments…

We begin to feel as if we have reached the end of our life,

as if we were standing in front of a tomb, the tomb of our hope!

All our hopes… the hope of getting married, the hope of being happy, the hope of being healed, the hope of being forgiven, the hope of being in communion, the hope of being able to love someone, the hope of a new life, the hope that my life can change… all these hopes are, so to speak, buried, and I find myself standing and watching, full of sadness and self-pity.

This is how the apostles felt when they buried Christ’s body.

This is how the women felt on the morning of the Resurrection.

And yet… the tombstone has been removed; THE TOMB IS EMPTY!


Yes, our hope is Christ who is alive, in him everything is possible. Yes, every-thing is possible, I can hope and my hope is not in vain. We can come out of our sadness and self-pity, full of life, full of new spirit. You can abandon resignation and dissatisfaction, old fears, sorrows and doubts.

The Resurrection of Christ has opened a new space which did not exist before, a space where life is stronger than death, where hope is always ALIVE, always, because it is person, risen from the tomb.

It is Easter!

Do NOT bury Hope! Never! We are Christians and Christ is alive!

He is our hope: everything he touches becomes alive, new, young.

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