Eucharistic Ministers
Ministers of Holy Communion or Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion at both Sunday and Weekday Masses. Eucharistic ministers also bring Holy Communion to the sick in their homes. Individuals are normally invited to train for this important ministry by the Parish Priest.
Ministers of the Word or Readers have the important task of reading the Word of God, contained in the Holy Scriptures, at Sunday and weekday Masses. If you would like to train to be a Reader please speak to the Parish Priest.
Altar Servers
For hundreds of years young people have assisted priests by serving at Mass. If you are in Year 3 or above and would like to train to be a server please speak to one of the priests.
Sacristans look after and care for the vessels and vestments, prepare the church for Mass and have a general care for the church and its furnishings. If you would like to join our team of sacristans, either on Sundays or weekdays, please speak to one of the priests.