Infant Baptism Catechists
The catechists prepare the parents for the Baptism of their children, by seeking through catechesis to help parents to a greater understanding of the theology of Baptism, of belonging to the Church and of the responsibilities that Baptism brings. The catechetical sessions take place on a bi-monthly basis on two consecutive Saturdays. Parents are also given advice on parenting skills in the catechesis of small children and are introduced to the resources available in the Parish and Catholic Schools. If you would like to train to be a Catechist for Infant Baptism please speak to the Parish Priest.
First Holy Communion Catechists
This group help to prepare spiritually, those who wish to receive Holy Communion for the first time, mostly children. The Catechist is given appropriate spiritual training and will teach a pre-prepared programme. Regular meetings are held throughout the programme and new Catechists are teamed up with those who are experienced. If you would like to train to be a First Holy Communion Catechist please speak to one of the priests.
Confirmation Catechists
This group help to prepare young people (usually Year 9) who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Similar to the work of the First Holy Communion group, Confirmation Catechists are also given spiritual training and will work within a prepared programme. The group meets regularly and prepares candidates for the day of their Confirmation. To train to become a Confirmation catechist please speak to the Parish Priest.
RCIA Catechists
Catechists for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) prepare and initiate those wishing to become full members of the Catholic Church. This includes accompanying Catechumens in their journey to reception of the Sacraments of Initiation through personal prayer, Sunday Mass and other devotional and sacramental moments in the life of the Parish.
St Luke’s Hospice Group
This group raises funds by means of hosting raffles, sponsored walks, special events etc to donate to the St Luke’s Hospice, Kenton. The hospice takes care of those from our parish and elsewhere, suffering from terminal illnesses. During one of its events in 2003, they raised in excess of £5000. The group is made up of twelve members, who meet four or five times a year to prepare for forth-coming fund raising functions. New members are always welcome. To join, contact: Mr Joe Clark, telephone 0208 450 4445.
Cricklewood Homeless Centre
This local charity has a centre that offers support advice and food for homeless people. Each month the parish has a food collection which is donated.