

  • Catholic parents must present a certificate of their own baptism.
  • Parents who live within the parish should be registered for at least six months and should be participants in the faith community and known to the priests
  • Parents who live outside the parish but who have made this their community should be registered for at least six months and should be participants in the faith community and known to the Priests
  • Parents who live outside this community and do not practice here must attend the preparation in their own parish and present a letter of permission from their priest stating that they have attended and that permission is given.
  • A Sponsor (Godparent) must be sixteen years of age or over and must be Baptised and Confirmed in the Catholic Church.
  • The parents of the child must be a practising Catholic.
  • There must be one, but no more that two Sponsors (Godparents)
  • Sponsors (Godparents) should attend the third session of the preparation.
  • A Certificate of Baptism must be shown for each of the Sponsors (Godparents )
  • OPTIONAL: Family Witnesses to the Baptism. These are family members and friends who, while they cannot be Sponsors, may play a significant role in the life of the child and so should be included in the Baptism liturgy.
  • Parents must fill in an application form with the Parish Priest, he is usually available Mondays between 5pm and 7pm.