St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School was opened over a hundred years ago to serve the needs of a growing Catholic population in Hanwell. It was staffed by nuns from the Order of St. Joseph of Peace and the Order still has a convent of nuns across the road from the church. Children have attended school on our present site since 1907.
The school was set up to meet the needs of poor immigrants (the clever nuns ran a private school in Cuckoo Dene to help fund the “poor” school) and throughout its century of service St. Joseph’s has welcomed Catholic children from across the world and helped them and their families to be successful members of Hanwell, London and U.K. society and good Catholic people.
The Diocesan inspection of our school in 2018 confirmed that the Catholic Life of the school was outstanding in all areas, a judgement which reflects our values from the moment a parent makes an enquiry about our school through to beyond when a child leaves us for high school.
Our Catholic Ethos
For well over a hundred years, St. Joseph’s has been serving local Catholic families in the Hanwell area. The school has seen wave after wave of communities come to the area, be embraced by the school and parish, and, in common with Catholic education across England, turn out fantastic young girls and boys who are ready to take the next steps in their journey.
We are a caring school community, and everybody counts. Our school is committed to giving your child a broad and balanced education where we consider the education of the whole child as being crucial. We will not shy away from directing your child into good habits and good ways of living, we wish to encourage and support every family to be the best they can be, and we do all this in the context of a Catholic school community
It is for all adults in school to model how to live according to the Gospel of Our Lord and it is for the children to learn from our example. In practical terms, this means we take special care of any child who is currently experiencing difficulties; we go out of our way to support families who need us; we explore where each child can excel and we try to put our catchphrases in to action:
“Primary school should provide every child with a reservoir of good memories.”
“The best preparation for adulthood is childhood.”
“Every child matters, every lesson counts.”
“Love, Learn, Believe.”