Liturgy & Prayer

Archconfraternity of St Stephen for Altar Servers

Purpose: To encourage the highest standards of serving at the Church’s Liturgy. To provide altar servers with a greater understanding of what they are doing so that they may serve with reverence and prayerfulness.

Who is eligible to join? Male and female members of the parish. Children must have made their First Holy Communion.

Days/Times/Place of Meetings: Training takes place in the church by appointment. Please ring Ray on the number shown below if interested in joining the Guild.

Contact: Ray McGrath


Purpose: To lead the congregation in singing at liturgical functions within the Parish, especially at the 10.00am Mass and to enjoy and broaden religious musical horizons in the parish.

Who is eligible to join? Men, women, and children (16 years and over) who are willing to commit to attending practice on Thursday evening and 10.00am Mass on Sunday.

Days/Times/Place of Meetings: Thursday evenings 8.00 – 9.30pm in the Claret Room, Botwell House.

Contact: Iva Dell

Flower Group

Purpose: To further beautify our church, adding warmth, colour and beauty; to the Greater Glory of God. In addition the Flower Group organise such events as Flower Festivals.

Who is eligible to join? Open to all, of any age – knowledge of flower arranging helpful. Drivers are sometimes needed.

Contact: Loretta Turner

Folk Group

Purpose: To lead the congregation in liturgical worship in song. To bring all ages of parishioners together to sing, play music and socialise. In addition to leading the singing at the 12 Noon Sunday Mass, the Folk Group is available to sing at special occasions e.g. Confirmation, First Eucharist, Weddings. They arrange a number of other activities including visits, and retreats. Everything is undertaken within a framework of a truly Christian spirit.

Who is eligible to join? Open to all over the age of 7. Musicians (particularly adults) are welcome and encouraged to sing and play.

Days/Times/ Place of Meetings: Friday evenings between 7.30 – 9.30pm in the Youth Centre. Sundays – participating in the 12 Noon Mass in the church.

Co-ordinators: Elaine McLoughlin, Bernie Mee, Anna Maria Dupelycz

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

(Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion)

Purpose: The service of ministering Holy Communion to the sick, house-bound and hospitalised and to assist with ministering Holy Communion at Mass, as well as leading the people in the Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion in the absence of a priest.

Who is eligible to join? People are invited by the Parish Priest to perform this ministry.

Days/Times/Places of Meetings: 3rd Monday of each month at 8.00pm in the Claret Room, Botwell House.

Co-ordinator: Billie Clinton

Prayer Group

Purpose: To provide opportunities for coming together to pray and praise God in word and song through the power of the Holy Spirit. Included are prayers of intercession for priests and religious vocations, the sick and those requesting prayers in the book provided in the church, with prayers of thanksgiving.

Who is eligible to join? Open to all.

Days/Times/Places of Meetings: The Prayer Group meets each Monday at 8.15pm in the Sacristy except for the 1st Monday of each month when Holy Hour for Vocations takes place in the church after 7.30pm Mass.

Co-ordinators: Brenda Cox and Marilyn Ralph


Purpose: The proclaiming of the Word of God in the Liturgical Assembly.

“He (Christ) is present in His word, since it is He Himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in the Church?”

(Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy)

Who is eligible to join? People are invited by the Pastoral Team to exercise this ministry or can volunteer if interested.

Days/Times/Places of Meetings: Monthly/Bimonthly in the Claret Room, Botwell House.

Co-ordinator: Carmel Bagness