‘What God has joined together, let no man put asunder’
These beautiful words are uttered by the priest or deacon at weddings in church. The sacrament of marriage is the beginning of a fascinating lifelong journey for the couples who come to have their love sealed before the presence of God and the Christian community. An essential part of the celebration of marriage is the spiritual preparation of the couple. It is also important to put together all the paperwork that the church requires for the marriage to be valid both civilly and ecclesiastically. This is the reason why the parish clergy ask the couples for six months notice prior to the date for the wedding.
At present we have a team of married couples from our parish community who accompany for three evening sessions those seeking to marry in church. Their aim is to help them to reflect on the loving actions of God in their lives; on the love they have for each other; on how to sustain a project of life in common; on the joys and challenges that come with married life; on the blessing of parenthood, and on the commitment they undertake to become one flesh without losing their individuality.
Please contact the Parish office for details.
Parish office email: kensington1@rcdow.org.uk