A Sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is given to us. Full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church requires a period of preparation of both mind and heart to be receptive to the grace of new life in Christ.
Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
There is instruction and help to prepare parents & God-parents for the Sacrament of Baptism. For more information about Baptism please speak to the Parish Priest after any of the Sunday Masses.
First Holy Communion and Reconciliation
Families are encouraged together with help of other parishioners, to prepare children for this important stage in their lives. The usual timing is during Yr 3, but we would not want to be rigid about this.
There is a carefully designed programme, with regular back-up meetings for both parents and perspective candidates.
Confirmation preparation is usually for those in Yr 9 or 10 of Secondary school and in this parish takes place every other year. Older candidates would normally take part in the RCIA process. The immediate preparation for Confirmation includes both reflection on key aspects of the faith and the spiritual life and opening experiences of prayer, worship and service to the community of young people.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of formation marked by key liturgical moments, usually focussed on the rites of baptism, confirmation and receiving first Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil. Other adults who may be seeking Confirmation, or reception into the Catholic Church having been baptised in another Christian tradition will also be encouraged to take part in this process, suitably adapted to their circumstances.
Following the diocesan requirements, the Catholic party must make requests at least 6 months before. Meetings are held to prepare couples for this Sacrament. The parish does not charge for these meetings, but does request that the couple acknowledge the costs involved as part of their donation to the parish.