

Confirmation is the final sacrament of initiation into the Christian faith, thus all those who are confirmed are considered full members of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Parish Confirmation Programme starts in the autumn. Details of registration will appear in the parish newsletter a number of weeks prior to the beginning of the course, so watch out! We have very high numbers wishing to be Confirmed and we have to apply the rules strictly. Candidates will be expected to provide their baptism certificate and details of their First Holy Communion.

Please note that the Sacrament of Confirmation is usually received in the parish in which you reside. Permission is required from your own parish priest to be Confirmed elsewhere. At St Joseph’s we would expect you to be regularly attending our Church for at least six months before applying for Confirmation.

Candidates are rightly expected to be regular mass attenders, both before, during, and after Confirmation. As such, attendance cards are given to all candidates to be signed by one of the priests after mass. Further to this, full, active participation is expected throughout the preparation course so that a clear signal is given to the clergy and course facilitators that the candidate is, in fact, ready to be presented to the Bishop as someone who is ready and mature enough to become a confirmed member of the Church.

Registration for Confirmation will take place on Sunday 6th & Sunday 13th October, after the 9.30am, 11am and 12.30pm Masses, in the Salvatorian College. Please bring your completed Registration form, signed photograph consent form & £40 registration fee. If you were not baptised at St Joseph’s, you will need to bring a copy of your Baptism Certificate.

We are very excited and eagerly looking forward to your child attending the sessions. Our faith permeates every aspect of our life, so we ask you to please pray for your children and let us all invoke the Holy Spirit each day as he guides us along the path of discipleship in Christ.

For more information, please contact the Parish Office