First Holy Communion

first communion

Holy Communion and Confession mark the second stage of initiation into the Christian faith. Our First Communion and First Confession Programme begin in the autumn, and an announcement will be made in the parish newsletter as to when the enrollment for the programme takes place.

We have very high numbers of candidates wishing to receive the sacraments and we, therefore, are required to apply the rules strictly. Parents will need to produce the child’s Baptism Certificate and attend the special Parents Evenings.

​Sacraments are usually received in the parish in which you reside. Permission is required from your own parish priest to receive them elsewhere. At St Joseph’s we would expect the family to be regularly attending our church for six months before applying for First Communion and First Confession for their child.

Please note that First Holy Communion and First Confession is not a school-based endeavor, but a sacrament of the Church. As such, the parish is the place where children of many school communities come together as part of the one family of the parish community

The registration for First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 13th & Sunday 20th October, after 9.30am Mass, in the Parish Hall. Please bring your completed Registration form, signed photograph consent form and £30 registration fee. If your child was NOT baptised at St Joseph’s, you will need to

bring a copy of his/her baptism certificate.

If you need further information please contact the Parish Office.