Parish Groups

Our faith community can be nourished by active participation in parish groups that meet for prayer, social action, Sacramental preparation, youth work and the support of others in the life the Church. To share our lives in these ways allows us to offer ourselves and draw strength from each other.

Please contact the Parish Office for further information.

Parish Council

Chair: Eileen Josza
Secretary: Elizabeth Patten

Finance Committee

Chair: Caroline Horan
Secretary: Leslie Gaynor

Social Committee

Chair: Elizabeth Patten
Secretary: Caroline Horan

Archconfraternity of St Stephen

Altar servers’ organisation
David Pearson

Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF)

Collects monies for the Missions via boxes in houses
Mrs Zimmermann


Parish Group and general support of CAFOD and its work
Agatha Ferrao

Ecumenical Representative

Representing our parish to other churches
Cathy Singer

Eucharistic Ministers

Ministry of distributing the Holy Eucharist
Elizabeth Patten

Flower Arrangements

Ministry of God’s beauty in God’s House
Shirley Kingham
Cathy Singer
Gwendoline Fernando
Barbara Hope

Gift Aid

Tax relief on regular donations to the parish Planned Giving campaign
Caroline Horan

Marriage Team

Marriage preparation courses for those intending to marry
Parish Priest


Ministry of reading the Word of God
David Pearson


A good selection of cards, missals and children’s Bibles are available, as well as other items. Books, crosses, rosaries and other artefacts. You are invited to browse round the shop to see the wide range of quality resources
Elizabeth Pattenwp-repository