The Year of Patoral Theology

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”

– Matthew 28:19

Seminarians in their third year of formation are typically sent into parishes as part of their discernment to the secular priesthood. Students in the Year of Pastoral Theology (YPT as we call it), receive the task of translating their experiences from seminary, pastoral placements, & God’s intervention in their lives, into their parish communities. As the year progresses, the YPT seminarians are tasked with parish projects and will present their involvement in particular ministries such as Sacrament preparation or the Ministry of Readers, in their placement parishes.

This year’s YPT seminarians are Farvin Gonsalves (Portsmouth Diocese), Adam Trezebinski (Portsmouth), Michael Mesa (Westminster), and Julian Pinto (Plymouth). As they set out to live in their parish communities, we continue to pray that the Lord guides their discernment & bolsters their fervour.

The Wednesday Community Mass at Allen Hall saw the commissioning of the four as they received a reserved blessing & were endowed with a crucifix. The Rector’s homily reminded everyone that it is God and his people that we ultimately serve; no matter the struggles we encounter, we must keep our eyes fixed on Christ and become a living testament that nothing is impossible to God.

St Paul the Apostle – pray for us

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