It’s not only Catholics who are welcome at St. Mary of the Angels: members of all faiths or none often drop in to our Church to find peace and quiet, to light a candle, or to attend a baptism, wedding or funeral of a friend or family member.
You are also very welcome to join in any of our services at weekends or during the week. If you are unsure of what is going on and how to take part, this really does not matter, but you will usually find a leaflet at the back of Church giving you some idea of the order of service.
If you want to know more about what Catholics believe and practise, you can either ask a Catholic to help you, or find plenty of material online or in books. One of the best sites to start with is
And if you ever feel you’d like to explore becoming a Catholic, you can approach any Catholic to ask them to put you in touch with a priest; you don’t have to approach the priest where you actually live, though it makes sense to do so if you can.
And you won’t find any pressure put on you to join, but will be offered whatever guidance you personally need to make up your mind.