Finance at St Mary & St Michael’s for the Year 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018
We began the Year with £91,541.98 in our Parish HSBC account. Income was £114,027.57
We ended the year with £52,131.49 in our Parish HSBC account. Expenditure was £153,438.06
Envelopes £20,840.60
Loose £20,171.01
Standing Orders £7,427.20
Candles, Repository, Papers £9,769.07
Board & Lodging £7,050.00
Parish Centre £23,100.00
Easter/Christmas Stipends for P Priest £14,717.53
Specific Donations £2,574.43
Third party Receipts £7,107.56
Parish Priest Salary £9,400.04
Housekeeping £2,226.53
House Cleaner £2,652.00
Liturgical Expenses £6,923.74
Candles & Repository& Papers £5,342.88
Heating, Light & Water £13,397.44
Council Tax, Insurance & Rates £6,230.77
Diocesan Assessment £12,225.36
Property Renewal £85,617.87
- (Painting £37,960.00)
- (Sound System£6,713.80)
- (Scaffolding £16,728.00)
- (Fire System for house £11,363.38)
- (Mobile Cleaning £3,100.00)