
CAFOD are working with their partners to help some of the poorest people in the world, enabling families to obtain food, water, shelter and a way to earn a living. You can make a donation towards their work on the CAFOD website. Watch a YouTube video giving an example of how CAFOD is helping those struggling with the effects of climate change.

Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) has information about ways in which you can help refugees from Ukraine. In association with St John of God Hospitaller Services (SJOG), they are seeking to match Ukrainian people displaced by the war in their country with people in the Catholic community willing to host them in their homes for six months. There is more information on the SJOG website.

The Cardinal’s Appeal has continued through the year to provide support in communities across the Archdiocese of Westminster.  Its main areas of focus are:  Marriage and Family Life; Youth and Evangelisation; the Education Service; and Social Outreach within Civil Society through Caritas Westminster.

The Catholic Children’s Society supports disadvantaged children and their families, across London, Hertfordshire and the South East of England.

Finchley Foodbank is based at St Mary’s Church in East Finchley and provides support for people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

The challenging situation facing Christians in the Holy Land has been made significantly worse by the conflict in that land.  Friends of the Holy Land are seeking to help them in their need.

Aid to the Church in Need has been supporting Christians dealing with conflict in different parts of the world.

Pax Christi is a Catholic charity that works for peace and reconciliation between peoples, promoting respect for others, and challenging injustices.

Nearer home, Caritas Westminster are working to support some of the most vulnerable people in our own society, whose lives have been made more difficult by the cost-of-living crisis.

The Passage are seeking support with their work of feeding over 300 homeless people in London every day.

The Cardinal Hume Centre helps people who are facing homelessness and poverty to turn their lives around.  They offer hope to families whose difficult circumstances have been made worse by the challenges of recent years.

While most of us seek safety in our homes, refugees still experience many of the difficulties of being destitute.  The Jesuit Refugee Service offers practical support to refugees in whatever way it can.

The Little Sisters of the Poor run St Anne’s care home for the elderly in Stoke Newington.  You can support them with an online donation.

The North London Hospice relies heavily on voluntary support to provide high-quality palliative and end-of-life care.