

There is currently no Confirmation programme in the parish.

First Holy Communion

Application for this year’s First Holy Communion programme are now closed. The programme for the course is available here. Further information will be published in the weekly parish newsletter.


Baptisms are arranged by appointment.  Parents are required to attend a preparation session before a date is arranged for their child’s Baptism. The date of the next session will be announced in the newsletter. A blue Baptism Application form, available at the back of the church, should be completed and returned before attending a preparation session.


There is the opportunity for Confession on Saturday mornings.  They are held in the Weekday Chapel, next to the side entrance of the church.  Please remain in the church while waiting.


Weddings are arranged by appointment. Six months’ notice is required. Contact the Parish Priest for more information.


Arranging a funeral will require the services of a Funeral Director, but the priest will help with planning the funeral liturgy. You can find guidance on choosing what to include in the liturgy on the Diocesan website.