28th April 2024

This week we have the beautiful image of the Vine. Israel was the vine God planted which was meant to branch out into the whole world and nourish it with its fruit. Much of the OT is the prophetic critique about Israel’s failure to produce this fruit. But with its failures, it did produce one glorious fruit – the Messiah, Jesus Christ. At the Last Supper, Jesus declares that he is the New Vine, and we are the branches. Like Israel, it is impossible for us to produce the fruit of heaven, of love, of mercy when we are faced with our enemies and our dealings in the world. But Jesus is the Vine and it is He who produces this fruit. This fruit of love simply appears in those who remain in him. To remain in him is to remain in the Church, the body of this vine. When we do, it is Christ who produces his fruit of love in us, by the power of the Holy Spirit, his sap flowing in us. Let us rejoice, Christ has saved us, brothers and sisters! In him, our lives can change and reveal God’s love for a broken world. And as mentioned earlier, here is one testimony from our RCIA candidate Pauline, of her experience of this love of Christ.

Pauline Williams, Bl.Sacrament writes (slightly edited)…I was already a baptised Christian (Anglican), but over time lots of things changed in the Church. A long time pastor left and a female vicar was appointed. There were further changes which over time didn’t feel well, though I cannot fully say why. And every time I went past a Catholic Church I would feel a strange urge to go in. Eventually I went in and looked around and fell in love with what I saw. I still wasn’t sure what this feeling was so I continued going to Anglican Churches which also did the Rosary and used frankincense – so almost catholic right? I tried to forget about any church for a while, however, at this time, my elderly neighbour approached me and asked if I wouldn’t mind praying with her at her home. I felt that would be a nice thing to do. When I went to her home, she began to tell me that she hadn’t been to church since Covid; she was feeling anxiety about going back but she really wanted to go. I visited her home often and prayed with her, and noticed she prayed slightly differently to me – she prayed the Hail Mary which I didn’t know.  During this time, strangely, I also started having odd dreams; once I dreamt of opening a Bible! I also kept bumping into people on the street or at work that would start randomly talking to me and guess what, they happened to be Catholic! I was wondering if someone was trying to tell me something or what! I went back into the Catholic Church, prayed and I felt different, like Mother Mary had called me in. It was such a beautiful and peaceful feeling. At this point I wanted nothing more than to grow in my faith as a Christian and be part of the Catholic Church. I quickly signed up to the RCIA which was starting quite soon. I nervously contacted David and the rest is history. During this time I accompanied my neighbour back to church and what a surprise – her church happened to be Blessed Sacrament, where I ended up being received! Now as a Catholic I look forward to growing in my faith, I feel a deep sense of love and commitment to Jesus, to what the Church teaches and I want the whole world to feel like this. 

News & Events

Thurs Mass Cancelled The church foyer will be used as a polling station on 2nd May so there’s no access to the church that day. Apologies.

Adoration after Mass We’ve begun to have regular Adoration after Mass (one of the requests put forward at our synod meeting) after our 10 AM Masses. The Bl.Sacrament will be exposed till 11 AM. Even if you can’t come to Mass, maybe you can pop in for 5 mins to greet Jesus in the Eucharist?

CAFOD Collection for Sudan There is a very real crisis in Sudan due to floods which have displaced 8 million and placed a further 25 million on the brink of starvation. The Church is one of the few places where aid can be disbursed (due to war, most aid agencies have left Sudan). This weekend, there’s a second collection on behalf of CAFOD. Please give generously if you can (other ways to donate are available on the poster – also text CAFODSUDAN to 70450to donate £10).

Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2024 The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London, is holding a First Saturday Divine Mercy Recollection Day at the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, on Saturday 1st June 2024 from 11 am to 4:30 pm. The Recollection Day will include teachings on the Message of Mercy, Holy Mass, Stations of the Cross, Hour of Mercy with Adoration and Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. All welcome. Please call Millie on 07957 594 646 for more information. Coaches from Ealing Broadway and Victoria.

Awesome Apps and podcasts Technology is not always a bad thing! There are a number of wonderful podcasts and websites helping people go deeper in their faith! Here are a round up of some of them, more mentioned next week. Crash Course Catholicism – down to earth education and advice for the newer Catholic or for those that don’t/didn’t pay much attention in Mass or RE lessons. Great for teenagers and adults of a younger disposition. Bible in a Year and Cathechism in a Year are two separate podcasts with the excellent Fr Mike Schmidt. (Some concentration is required for both BiaY & CiaY – but very rewarding! if you wake up at the end of BiaY he explains it all usually with a 21st century spin to it). Lastly, if you woke up at the end of Fr Rajiv’s homily, you can also usually find it on his blog, Casting Fire (just google the name) – and there’s also a podcast of the same name. He’s not updated it the last couple of weeks as he’s working out exams and essays but will be updated soon!

Turbo charge your prayer life Sign up to guided online prayer sessions, once a fortnight for an hour and pray in new ways or if you’re a seasoned prayerful person, revisit techniques and pray along with others but from the comfort of your own home. https://londonjesuitcentre.churchsuite.com/events/xhoiwcit

General Elections and our Catholic Voice CAFOD and the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) are working together to encourage parishioners to use their distinct catholic voice when responding to the general elections. They want to help and support parishes and individuals in using our voice for good. Find out more on Saturday 4 May (11am-1pm).Sign up online or contact brozycka@cafod.org.uk or telephone 07789 876 913. 

Those Sick and Deceased: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Gilbert Vieri, our parishioner who died on Friday, 26th April. Pls also pray for Sylvia D’Souza, a long-time, faithful parishioner of St John’s who is unwell at this time and in hospital.

The newsletter can be printed out here.

Raise money by shopping! Use easyfundraising.org

This is a website where charities can register their cause and raise money just from your shopping at no additional cost to you! Your everyday online shopping, whether it’s Sainsburys and Waitrose, or a bigger John Lewis buy can raise a significant amount of money for the Church. Please do take a look at https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/st-john-islington-church/ . It’s very simple to use – if you need help, please email us at islington@rcdow.org.uk The page can be accessed via the QR code too. If you’re able to gift aid your donations, it would make a big difference. Do speak to us if you need help!

Crumbling presbytery

Oh dear! The above pics show what happens when essential repair work has been postponed for many years – collapsing roofs, disintegrating ceilings and lots of rain water coming inside. Emergency repair work has taken place over the last 5 months but this has only patched up the literal big holes. There’s still lots to do (restore electricity to all rooms, replace rotting window frames, stop wobbly steps from wobbling, eliminate damp etc). Any nice honest builders, handymen, DIY enthusiasts and money will be of enormous help.

Are you interested in helping the parish become more vibrant? 

Ushers / Coffee / Children’s liturgy / Catechesis / Fundraising / Socials or anything else which might interest you? Would you like to participate in the life of the parish more? Brilliant ideas were raised in the parish meeting – socials such as BBQs, an international food event and fundraising ideas could be a sponsored walk and a sponsored ‘Father Jakub shaving off his beard event’. There’s a lot of talent and gifts in the congregation but in order to bring these ideas to life, we need PEOPLE and TEAM WORK! So make that move and get in touch at…islington@rcdow.org.uk

Church opening time

The church is open from 9am for private prayer till around 6pm most days and on Saturdays, it will close after the 6pm Vigil Mass.

Parish office opening times

The parish office is open on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.30am to 3.30pm. Please contact us via email islington@rcdow.org.uk or by telephone 020 7226 3277.

Contactless Donations

We now have two contactless card readers at the back of the church for those who might wish to donate to the parish in this way. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation then please follow the instructions on the card reader.