Newsletter 15th November 2020

Mass Times * News * Fr Cyril Chiaha Writes

Church open for private prayer: Please note that the parish Church of St Richard of Chichester Buntingford will be opened at the following times giving an opportunity for private prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

Sunday: 9am to 11.30am 
Tuesday – Friday: 9.30 – 10.30am 


Weekly Mass: 15th- 22nd November

Please note that Mass is celebrated in private, due to the lock-down

The obligation to attend Mass remains suspended. Please see the Coronavirus page for more details.

Sunday 15th November:  33rd Sunday in Ordinary time

Tuesday 17th November: Feria

Wednesday 18th November: Feria

Thursday 19th November: Feria

Friday 20th November: Feria

Saturday 21st November: Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sunday 22nd November: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 

The readings for Mass can be found every day on the ‘Universalis’ website.

Some churches in our diocese stream Mass online, you may be able to watch one of these during this time.

Sacrament of Confession

  • In these exceptional times confession is by appointment and will be held at Buntingford.

Parish Office Hours

  • Please consider using the email or telephone for office matters. While we must all support each other in these times, we must also try and do our part in lessening the spread of the this disease.


NOVEMBER – Month of the Holy Soul: Throughout the month of November Holy Mass will be offered for the names on the lists of the dead available at the back of the church. If you wish to remember and pray for your family and friends that have died, please fill in that form, place it in the envelop provided and return the envelope to the presbytery through the letterbox. The names will be placed at the foot of the Altar throughout the month of November.

Aid to the Church in Need : ‘Red Wednesday’ on November 25th. This year ACN asks us to join in ‘setting captives free’ by pressurising governments to condemn religious persecution of all kinds. We can mark Red Wednesday at home participating in the #RedWednesday Novena, for the persecuted Church and for religious freedom throughout the world. The #RedWednesday Novena begins on Tuesday 17th November and you can find it at redwednesday-novena-for-parishes/ Also, one can decorate the house red in solidarity for our suffering brothers and sisters


Offertory Collection

  • Many Thanks to all those who have maintained regular parish offering through Standing Order, loose plate or cheque and to those who wrote a cheque covering the time we were in lockdown.
  • Setting Up A New Standing Order: If you are setting up a Standing Order or donating online for the first time, please note that a new Confirmation of Payee service has been rolled out for additional security reasons. 
  • Although no changes have been made to the name of our parish bank account, you would be required to use the full name of the parish account  set below when setting up a new payment instruction. In other words, the full meaning of the  abbreviation WRCDT has to be used.


Account name: Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Old Hall Green and Puckeridge Parish

Account name: Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Buntingford Parish

Account Number: 91270044

Account Number: 51308610

Sort Code 40-05-20 Sort Code 40-05-20

We are still living through the pandemic; so the obligation to attend Mass remains suspended.
Please do not consider coming to church if you are self-isolating or shielding or have any of the symptoms of the coronavirus

Fr Cyril Chiaha Writes:

I hope this newsletter finds you well as each of us continue to do what we can to keep each other within this second lockdown. Today’s readings urge us to be faithful in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. It speaks about being ready, diligent and prepared at all times.

As we know, the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on our lives in many and different ways, but it should not distort our faith in God, as He is always in solidarity with His own, offering to each individual the necessary grace they need.

Perhaps, the man with one talent in today’s gospel reading did not recognise that the talent he has, which in his own estimation, is very little, was given out of God’s grace, one that is given for a purpose. Each of our lives, notwithstanding its accompanying challenges, is never bereft of God’s abiding presence.

In this second lock-down, may we never forget that the pandemic cannot lock us down from God, as He is with us always, and each given day, is a sign of His endless presence. May we keep in mind that endurance, perseverance and faithfulness are ways in which we not only embrace God’s grace, but also prepare for our future with Him. May we never relent in seeking God in our hearts, even from the comfort of our homes.

As I wish you a blessed week, may the lyrics of Henry Alford sung by Marty Haugen encourage us to walk by faith at this time: