The purpose of the Catholic Funeral Liturgy is to offer worship and thanksgiving to God, the author of all life; to pray for the deceased, and to offer support to the bereaved.

Prayer for the Deceased
Lord Jesus, we turn to you in our sorrow.
We commend to you the soul of our loved one who has died.
Receive N. (Name of your loved one) into your arms, the arms opened wide on the Cross to show your love for us.
Grant mercy to N. and grant to us a strong faith in you and a steadfast hope in your promise of eternal life.
Eternal rest grant unto N., O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him/her.
May he/she rest in peace.

Preparation for a Funeral
Funerals are celebrated in 3 stages…
The Vigil of Prayer, usually the evening before the funeral, the Funeral Liturgy, which may be a Mass or a Funeral Service and the Committal at the cemetery or crematorium.
The Vigil of Prayer…
May include prayers and readings from scripture. It may include the Rosary, and appropriate liturgical songs and hymns. It is a time of quiet support which helps to prepare the bereaved for the final leave-taking.
The Funeral Liturgy…
Usually takes the form of the celebration of Mass in which the Sacrifice of Christ himself is made present, when we commend to God the soul of the deceased in union with Christ himself.
The Committal Ceremony…
Is the final act of saying farewell which takes place in a brief service at the graveside or at the crematorium. When a body is cremated it is encouraged that there be a further brief service at the burial of the ashes.
Preparation at Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Please contact the Parish Office on 020 7736 4864 to arrange an appointment. Alternatively drop an e-mail on
The Parish Priest will assist with all of the funeral planning and will help you to arrange the funeral service or Requiem Mass for your loved one. For the Funeral Liturgy, a written text, seen by the priest or deacon beforehand, must always be used.
Readings can be selected from those approved for use at Catholic funeral services. They can also serve as a source of spiritual reading in the days and weeks that follow the funeral service. For the full selection of approved readings please visit the Diocesan website.