Welcome to the webpages of the Roman Catholic Church of St George, Sudbury.
The Public Celebration of Mass takes place at this Parish at the following times: the Saturday Vigil Mass at 6.15pm, Sunday Masses at 8.30am, 9.45am, 11.15am & 5.30pm & Weekday Masses at 9.30am.
Each week the Parish Newsletter is made available online. Details can be found on this page.
Numerous Mass Streaming services are also available online, enabling those unable to attend Mass in person for any reason to remain in Spiritual Communion with the Church. For details of Masses being streamed online, and a whole host of other resources for prayer, please click on our ‘Pray at Home‘ tab.
Further information on the church’s response to the Coronavirus can be found on this page.
The Parish SVP Group, in communion with the Parish Team, continues to coordinate the response to the vulnerable in the Parish. Those needing help with shopping, practical assistance or just feeling isolated can find further information about the SVP and other Parish Groups at this link.