Our faith community can be nourished by active participation in parish groups that meet for prayer, social action, Sacramental preparation, youth work and the support of others in the life the Church. To share our lives in these ways allows us to offer ourselves and draw strength from each other.
Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
Justice & Peace Group
Meets regularly, co-ordinates awareness, “Traidcraft”, fund raising, pro-life and CAFOD activites.
Contact: Sandra Carvalho sandra@carvalho.biz
Rosary group
Daily after mass.
Weekday evenings in May and October at 8:00 pm
Catholic Charismatic Praise and Worship
Held in the church at 7.15pm in Tamil and English (after 6.15pm Mass) on Saturdays.
Contact: Edward 07976 487313
Small communities
AT YOUR WORD meets in Lent and Advent
Parish Office (sudbury@rcdow.org.uk or 020 8904 2552)
Bethany Group
The Bethany Group provides support to the recently bereaved of the parish with a Mass in November.
Contact: Parish Office sudbury@rcdow.org.uk or 020 8904 2552
Church Cleaning
A rota of parishioners helps on a regular basis with keeping the church clean, neat and tidy, and new volunteers are very much welcome.
Parish Office sudbury@rcdow.org.uk or 020 8904 2552
Flowers in Church
A group of dedicated arrangers meets regularly each week and before festivals to beautify the church. New arrangers always welcome.
Contact: Margaret Williams mebmwilliams@gmail.com
The Parish Finance Committee meets 3-4 times each year and co-ordinate the financial side of the parish. If you have any financial expertise and would like to help please do speak to one of the clergy.
Contact: The Parish Priest
Hospitality Group
Volunteers on a rota provide refreshments after the 9.45am & 11.15am Mass on Sundays and on other special occasions in the year.
Contact: The Parish Office
Knights of St. Columba
The Knights of St. Columba for the men of the Parish support the parish clergy and undertake a number of charitable activities throughout the calendar year.
Contact: Joe Anderson 07956 868559
St Vincent de Paul Society
The St Vincent de Paul Society at St George’s is part of an international Christian voluntary network dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms by providing practical assistance to people in need.
We are a very active group, in the last year we have had contact with our beneficiaries over 500 times and we have provided over £3,000 worth of food vouchers to families and individuals in need. We have helped with buying school uniforms, furniture and food. We have visited vulnerable, sick and isolated people and offered them friendship and practical support. The essence of our work is person-to-person contact and spending time with people is our greatest gift.
If you are feeling isolated and would like a home visit or a chat with a friendly person over the phone please get in touch.
If you are struggling financially or would like other practical assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
We ask that if you are aware of someone who may need some help, please contact us, but please first make sure that they are happy for you to provide their details.
If you are over 18 and are interested in becoming a member of the SVP you would be very welcome, just call the number below or drop in to our next meeting – see the weekly newsletter.
Contact Details of St. George’s SVP Group:
Tel. 0775 3654154 (Theresa)
Email. frain.home@gmail.com
Stewarding & Cleaning
To keep us all safe, and ensure the church can remain open for Mass, we urgently require more volunteers to help with stewarding and cleaning.
Volunteering as a Stewarding
Stewards help those attending to remain as safe as possible during Mass, helping parishioners to respect the ‘1 metre plus’ guidelines.
Stewards arrive 45 minutes before Mass and remain 15 minutes afterwards (to ensure the church is left in a clean and safe state).
If you are under 70, have no pre-existing health conditions are would like to help as a steward, please contact Fr Jeremy at jeremyfairhead@rcdow.org.uk.
All new stewards receive a ‘Stewarding & Cleaning Pack‘ with complete guidelines and volunteer with experienced stewards.
Volunteering as a Cleaner
To keep us all safe at this time, the Church must be thoroughly cleaned & disinfected on a regular basis throughout the week.
If you are under 70, have no pre-existing health conditions are would be open to help, please contact Fr Jeremy at jeremyfairhead@rcdow.org.uk.
All new cleaners receive a ‘Stewarding & Cleaning Pack‘ with complete guidelines and volunteer with experienced cleaners.
Transport Group
The Transport Group use the Sudbury Neighbourhood Centre Minibus to bring elderly and housebound parishioners to Mass and Parish events.
Contact: Mike Barrett 0208 904 4256