Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Interested in Learning About the Catholic Church or Thinking of Becoming a Catholic?

Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church and its
Teachings? Perhaps you might be thinking of becoming a Catholic and want to
know how?

Or could YOU invite someone you know to BECOME a CATHOLIC? Please think about whether you have any friends, neighbours, relatives or work colleagues you could ask to join our parish – or maybe just to find out more about the Scriptures and the Catholic Church’s teachings? Invite them along to a group for adults which meets each Wednesday at 7.30pm in the Presbytery. In the meantime, why not ask them to come to Mass with you and introduce them to Fr Dermot? Or else
email the Parish Secretary finchleynorth@rcdow.org.uk so someone can phone them to answer their questions.

You will all be made very welcome.