St Augustine
Parish Clergy
Parish Priest
Fr Tomas Banayag OSA
Assistant Priest
Fr Arthur Bolivar OSA
Parish Safeguarding Representatives
Margaret Manners
Teresa Sagge Felongco
Suzette Dennis
Parish Office Contact
John-James Schley
Parish Office Hours
Mon-Tue, Thur-Fri 10am - 3pm
South Hammersmith Broadway, just beyond flyover
Other Information
Augustinian Community:
Bishop Michael Campbell (in residence); Fr Barry Clifford (Prior), Fr Tomas Banayag, Fr Arthur Bolivar,
Br Michael McLaren
Fr Robert Marsh (Provincial), 15 Dorville Crescent, W6 OHH
St Augustine's Centre
Manager Helen Murphy
Charing Cross Hospital, Chapel of the Holy Cross
Sun Mass 10.30am, Weekdays Mon, Wed, Thur 12.30pm
Chaplains: Fr Giles Pinnock, Fr Benedict Abuo, Fr Blaise Amadi CM; Veronica Burns
T: 07920 503624