We sincerely appreciate your interest in a Roman Catholic Marriage ceremony within our parish. Your journey as a couple, choosing to unite your love within the sacred embrace of the Church, is indeed a remarkable and joyous occasion. As you take steps forward in your preparations, let’s focus on some essential aspects.
Christian marriage is encapsulated by a profound statement: “The sacrament of Matrimony comes about through a promise made by a man and woman before God and the Church, which is accepted and confirmed by God himself. This forms the bond of sacramental marriage, binding until the death of one partner… What the Church is on a grand scale, the family is on a smaller scale: an image of God’s love in human fellowship. Indeed, every marriage is perfected in openness to others, to the children that God sends, in mutual acceptance, in hospitality and being for others” (YOUCAT 261 and 271).
Marriage, therefore, is a SACRED event in a SACRED space, at a SACRED time. It is crucial to keep this in mind when considering how to beautifully celebrate your marriage in the Church. Here are a few guidelines:
1. Fill in the Marriage Enquiry Form: You can download the form here Marriage Enquiry Form and send it to Fr Nico at nloboratu@rcdow.org.uk or isleworth@rcdow.org.uk. Upon receiving your marriage enquiry form, Fr Nico will contact you to process the paperwork.
2. Begin the process at least SIX MONTHS before your chosen wedding date: The priest will guide you through the necessary paperwork. For a marriage to take place in the Church, at least one of the partners must be a Roman Catholic. The requirements include:
– Baptism certificate (issued within 6 months of the wedding).
– Confirmation certificate.
– Statutory Declaration – a legally binding statement that you’ve never been married before. This is sworn before a solicitor or commissioner of oaths. Download STATUTORY DECLARATION OF FREEDOM
– Pre-Marriage Course.
– Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form – to be filled out in the presence of the priest.
– (If marrying in Britain) Registrar’s Certificate from the Local Borough Council. Our parish registrar is Mrs Marie Gleeson. Email: isleworth@rcdow.org.uk.
Download Requirements for Wedding– the Requirements for Wedding for more information.
This journey is a profound and sacred one, and we are here to support and celebrate with you. Please feel free to reach out for any guidance or inquiries you may have.