Our faith community can be nourished by active participation in parish groups that meet for prayer, social action, Sacramental preparation, youth work and the support of others in the life the Church. To share our lives in these ways allows us to offer ourselves and draw strength from each other.
THE ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (SVP): An international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing practical assistance to those in need – irrespective of ideology, faith, ethnicity, age or gender. The Society is a lay organisation initially formed in Paris in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam and his companions, and active in England & Wales since 1844. Placed under the Patronage of St Vincent de Paul, it is inspired by his thinking and works. It seeks, in the spirit of justice and charity, to help those who are suffering poverty in whatever form.
The work of the SVP falls into two main areas: membership activity and Special Works. The main work of the volunteer members is to befriend and assist individuals and families in need on a person-to-person basis, through visits to domestic residences, care homes, hospitals, prisons and other institutions.
In addition to member visits, the Society also operates a number of Special Works, which seek to serve people in a wider area or give more specialised help in a certain aspect of the work. These Special Works currently include holiday schemes, children’s summer camps, furniture stores, community shops, support centres, soup runs, residential care, deaf clubs, debt counselling, community transport and asylum care. The SVP also runs an active programme of youth development in parishes, schools and universities.
Meetings are held in the Parish Room, usually once a month, on a Wednesday at 6.45 p.m. A notice showing the date of the next meeting is displayed by the entrance to the church.
If you are interested in joining please contact: Martina Cullen telephone: 020 7691 2626 email: mcullen32@hotmail.co.uk
THE LEGION OF MARY: A lay Catholic organisation whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country in the world. Through prayer and works we aim to develop our spirituality and become better Catholics. In this Year of Faith, Pope Benedict XVI’s call to the New Evangelisation fits well with the Legion’s mission. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a præsidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. In this parish we meet on Thursdays at 6.45pm in the parish room, and always welcome new members. It’s a great way of meeting fellow parishioners and through our work, meeting some great people in the wider parish.
The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by
the parish.
If you would like more details please feel free to contact the President, Pat McGuigan, on 07412 097 448 or simply come along any Thursday.
THE GUILD OF ST STEPHEN: Have you ever thought of becoming an altar server? Boys and girls who have made their First Communion are welcome to apply and there is no upper age limit. Full training will be given and following one year’s probation you will be enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen.
All that is asked of you is that you give the commitment of serving every Sunday and on other occasions such as major feast days. There will also be the opportunity to attend the annual altar servers Mass at Westminster Cathedral and attending the various Guild of St Stephen events .
We have a very friendly and thriving group of altar servers and if you are interested in joining us please contact Michael O’Leary, the parish Master of Ceremonies, after the 10am Mass on Sundays.