Sacramental Preparation

A Sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is given to us. Full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church requires a period of preparation of both mind and heart to be receptive to the grace of new life in Christ.

Enrolment forms for all Sacramental Preparation are available from the rack in the church porch

Marriage Preperation Courses

Marriage Preparation Courses are held at St Thomas More Church and not online

(For more information click here)
Next course date:
New dates will appear here shortly

If you are planning to get married in a Catholic Church and need to do this course, please email and she will be able to help you organise a Catholic Wedding Service. 

Course information:

Following the teaching of the Catholic Church and understanding the sacramental nature of the wedding vows, this course is especially for couples intending to be married in the Roman Catholic Church.
It may well be that one of you is not Catholic and is of a different faith or perhaps of no faith.  This course focuses on marriage as a lifetime commitment and explores your unique couple dynamic in terms of communication, conflict management, forgiveness and ultimately to enhance and support your relationship in preparation for marriage.

Cost: £90 per couple

Please bring a packed lunch

Please email: for a registration form. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any matters further, initially, email the same address with your contact details and a member of the team will respond.



If you would like to have your child baptised, please attend one of the Sunday Masses and approach Fr Clive after the Mass. For all other enquiries please send an email at

First Holy Communion

For the First Holy Communion programme your child needs to be in Year 3 or above.

Please complete the form below and hand it to a member of the parish team. For further enquiries please send an email at


If you wish to be confirmed and are in Year 9 or above, please send an email at

If you are not a Catholic and would like to come into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, please approach Fr Clive at the end of the Mass.