New Ways Nursery Parish Project in Turkana / Kenya

Dear Friends,

Lenny and Scholastica (missionaries from MCSPA) and myself are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday 10th to chat about the parish project in Africa. Your support, as a parish, of the nursery school in Turkana which provides a basic education and most importantly, much needed nutrition for children under 7, has been incredible and very long lasting. We very much appreciate the opportunity to continue to work in partnership with you to transform the lives of the very young children in Nariokotome, Turkana. £14 enables us to support 1 child at our nursery schools for a month of which £8 provides them with the nutrition they need 6 days a week (breakfast and lunch) and £6 for the cost of their education. So a small amount makes a real difference. We are grateful for any amount you can donate to help them to thrive. If you would be interested in supporting a child monthly please contact

Please do watch our video on YouTube

Thanks for the very generous support you have always given this important project – we really appreciate it.

You can support us via the collection, our Just Giving page St Vincent’s 2024 – Helping to make a difference – JustGiving or use the QR code

Contact us at

Angela Docherty (volunteer CEO of New Ways)

New Ways – a London-based charity linked with several parishes in the UK – supports the nurseries and aims to raise funds for the project.

Getting down with the kids, New Ways CEO Angela Docherty at Todonyang Nursery School.

Nutrition is vital for the development of a children. If youngsters do not receive a good diet in their formative years, their physical and mental development can be affected.

Lenny Jillo from the MCSPA sends greetings and thanks from the people of Turkana, Kenya and especially the children of the nurseries that have benefitted from the support of the parishioners at St Vincent de Paul in Osterley over many years. The children also sing and perform a selection of hymns, nursery rhymes and poems for their benefactors to enjoy.  Please the related link:


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