Other ways to give

Thank you for considering a gift to St Vincent de Paul. Our parish relies upon the generous donations of parishioners and visitors.

Online Giving

To make your donation online, please visit parish.rcdow.org.uk/osterley/donate/

Bank Transfer

To make a one-off donation please use the parish bank account details:

Account Name:   WRCDT Osterley

Sort Code:   40-05-20

Account Number:   41095889
Reference:  Surname and First Initial 

If you are a UK taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. The government will top up your gift by 25 percent, meaning a £20 offering becomes £25, at no cost to you.

For more information about Gift Aid, please click here.

To Gift Aid your bank transfer donations, please send an email to giftaid@rcdow.org.uk with the following information:

– Your parish name

– Your title, first name and surname

– Your address and postcode

– The date of your gift, or start date of Standing Order

– The amount

– Please add the line: ‘Please Gift Aid my donations’

The Diocese Gift Aid office will add your declaration immediately, on behalf of your parish, and email you a confirmation.

Standing Order

If you would like to make a regular (monthly/quarterly/annual) donation to your parish, you can download a Standing Order form here:

Standing Order/Gift Aid Form

Other ways to give


You can now give your weekly offering by card or phone using the machines in the lobby. Simply choose the amount and tap your card. If you pay tax you can gift aid your donation at no cost to you, increasing your offering by 25%. The first time you gift aid you have to enter some simple details. If you use the same card in future your donation will be gift aided automatically.


You may use a donation envelope from the lobby if you wish to Gift Aid your offering.  A gift aid form is supplied with the envelope.

Offerings for masses can be made by cheque or cash to the Parish Office or via the drop safe in the lobby in a marked envelope.

The minimum Diocesan recommendation is £10.

You can send your offering by BACS transfer (Ref. Mass + date of Mass). The parish bank details:

Bank:   HSBC

Account Name:   WRCDT Osterley

Sort Code:   40-05-20

Account Number:   41095889

Please do not use the payment process below for mass offerings.  Thank you.

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