*Please note in the email address, it is ccp1 using the digit/number 1 (one).
Click on the link for the Portuguese translation of instructions: CCP Portuguese Mass Attendance Card translation
The parish has a system of Mass Attendance Cards. This is only applicable for parents who wish to send their children to a catholic primary or secondary school. Places in our Roman Catholic schools are frequently oversubscribed. When this is the case one of the criteria used by schools to allocate a place is mass attendance, as evidenced by a Certificate of Catholic Practice (CCP).
The CCP is a statement that a child comes from a practising family. This is defined as a family who attends mass on a weekly basis. In order for this to be ascertained, the diocese of Westminster requires evidence of at least two years of practice. Mass Attendance cards will enable this to be done fairly, especially when a priest moves parish.
A child may receive a place in a catholic school without a CCP but ordinarily only after those with a CCP have been admitted.
* Mass Attendance Cards are used to indicate the presence of children at Mass.
* If you are new to the parish, you will need a letter from your previous Parish Priest in order to obtain a signed Certificate of Catholic Practice from this priest.
If you wish to have a Certificate of Catholic Practice (CCP), please obtain a Mass attendance card.
Stickers for this card will be given out after each Sunday mass to record your attendance.
These cards will assist the priest in establishing a pattern of attendance and so enable him to provide a CCP.
Cards and stickers can be collected in the lobby of the church after mass.
Mass Attendance Card Procedure
* Parents (accompanied by their child) to collect the attendance sticker after mass.
* Stickers for parents with children in school Year 5 and under.
* Stickers will be given after Mass has ended.
* Stickers are not issued in August
* It is your responsibility to look after the card and bring it every week.
* If you attend mass at another parish it is your responsibility to collect a sticker from that parish, or have family photo taken with the parish priest, which will then need to be emailed to osterleyccp1@rcdow.org.uk with the name of the parish and parish priest.