Fr Andrew writes…

Just recently, as an occasional distraction from getting on with real work, I have found myself leafing through some of mountains of historical material relating to the parish that is stored in Clergy House. There are registers and   notebooks going right back to the early 19th century as well as many old photographs. I am aware that a lot of this material needs to be properly organised into an archive and some of it needs storing more safely. I have also thought that it would be nice to make more of it more widely available and so I think perhaps we could make some displays of our history and perhaps put more of it online. If anyone is interested in getting involved in this work then please let me know.

The thing that captures my attention most of all is photographs and perhaps especially the photographs of my predecessors. Faces of those such as Fr Higley of Limehouse, Canon Barth O’Doherty and Canon Wright of Poplar. Not that I am comparing myself to any of those great characters; but I can’t help thinking about what was different and what was the same about their experience of ministry in this place. Those are just some of the more famous priests and there were many others, some perhaps almost forgotten, and there were of course many many more lay people who made these parishes what they were and are.

There was a time when it was not uncommon for priests to die while still working. Thanks to advances in medicine that is now unusual but it does mean that priests now often have long periods of retirement when they are no longer strong enough for active ministry. Few of us have pensions or personal wealth to fall back on and that is why the second collection this weekend for the Sick and Retired Priests fund is so important as a way of honouring their lives and supporting them before they become another face in a photo album and just part of the history of a parish. Please be as generous as you can.

God bless you all!


BAPTISMS—Please speak to Fr Andrew and collect a form for the preparation course. Next course in January.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONThe next meeting for parents and children will be on Saturday 11th November at 4.30pm in the Guild Room.

CONFIRMATIONWould parents with children in year 9 who wish to be confirmed please pick up a form at the back of church and return it to Clergy House as soon as possible.

RCIANext meeting will be on Monday 6th November at 7pm in the Guild Room.


If anyone has or knows of any accommodation available temporarily for a teacher at OLSJ who has become homeless please contact Fr Andrew as soon as possible.


Bishop Nicholas is coming here to celebrate a special mass at 7pm on Friday 17th November during which he will formally install Fr Andrew as our parish priest, after which there will be a parish party. Everyone is welcome to the mass and the party and you are encouraged to bring food to share for the party.


If you would like to have our Sanctuary Lamp burning for a week before the Blessed Sacrament in memory of a loved one, please make a donation using the envelopes at the back of Church.

Fr keith’s induction – commercial road

Fr Keith induction will take place at St Mary & St Michael on Saturday 11th November at 6pm. It would be nice for a group from our Parishes to attend.


On Monday 13th November at 11.30am there will be mass at St Patrick’s Cemetery Chapel. All are welcome.


The Governing Body of Our Lady and St Joseph Catholic Primary School is currently reviewing proposed admission arrangements for admissions to the School in September 2025. Please see the school website for more information:


Today’s second collection is for the sick and retired priests of our  Diocese. By supporting the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund, you can help cover essential costs and give our Priests peace of mind that, in the event of an emergency, their needs will be met. Please pick up a leaflet or an envelope for more information on ways to give, and please continue to pray for the wellbeing of our Clergy: active, retired and ill. Thank you.


Standing Orders

SEPTEMBER: £563-34 OCTOBER: £562-94

Many thanks for your continued generosity.

NEWSLETTER ITEMS—Need to be received by noon on Thursday.

WEDDINGS—The Church requires that at least six month’s notice of any intended wedding be given so that full preparation can be made.

REPOSITORY—Now well stocked with Christmas Cards, Calendars, and other religious items.


THANK YOU to all donors to the Medication Box on the table at the back of Church. We hope to share these with the Jesuit Refugee Centre in Wapping and one of the Calais Projects. Keep the donations coming! The Wapping Centre has recently bought a House for some of their Refugees and are in need of a range of practical household items, in addition to warm clothes for women and young children. See list of needed items at back of Church.
MSF (Doctors Without Borders) are working in both Palestine and Gaza, against desperate odds and shocking conditions. We will be fundraising for this charity next weekend, both in Church and School. Perhaps someone could also spread the word where they work?
INTERFAITH WEEK November 11th to18th. There will be a presentation from a Jewish, Christian and Muslim representative in Our  Lady and St Joseph’s School on Wednesday 15th at 4.30pm. An opportunity to appreciate what the three Abrahamic Faiths have in common.
PRAY FOR PEACE together in the Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest Hall on Thursday 16th between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. Join people of all faiths and none, in prayer for peace and  for an end to hatred everywhere.
SUNDAY 12th History Night in St Anne’s Church, Limehouse at 7.30pm. Come and hear about the great Wartime Women of Poplar and Limehouse.
DRIVERS WANTED for Wednesday and Sunday dinner deliveries. St Matthias Community Centre, 113 Poplar High Street.


Those of our parish who are sick at home or in hospital; Refugees; Peace in the world, especially in Israel and Palestine; Those who have died recently, including  Elizabeth Annie Jones, Harry Collins, Maureen West, James Doran, Allan Giles, Amanda Charles, Baby Lucia and All whose anniversaries occur at this time.


Elizabeth Annie Jones, Thursday 23rd November, 11.30am, Our Lady Immaculate & St Frederick, Limehouse


This popular group welcomes new members (aged 60+) on Tuesdays from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the Guild Room. Beginners welcome. (Entrance in Canton Street).


We remain true to our mission of being “a light to guide the world, and a mirror to reflect it”, keeping Catholics informed about their faith and bringing them ever closer to God. In order to help us maintain a strong weekly Catholic voice, please consider taking out a subscription. Order your Digital 4 weeks free introductory offer by contacting Michelle (


The Bishops Conference of England and Wales website has numerous articles on many other subjects. Go to for the latest Catholic News.