The Catenians

Who are the Catenians?  We are an international network of Catholic men and their families who make and maintain strong social friendships with fellow Catholics.  We support and look out for one another, our families and our communities, especially young people, through a Bursary fund, and the clergy. We support those less fortunate by living the Gospel values in an increasingly secular world. We are all about family, faith & friendship.  There are Catenian groups (or circles) all over the UK, and other countries in the world, that meet regularly and locally. The local Circle; Mid Herts Circle, meets monthly on a Tuesday at Homestead Court Hotel in Welwyn Garden City.  There are currently 5 Catenians in our parishes. Sound interesting? Why not come along, share a meal and find out more. 

Contact Dcn Tony Barter 07711894244 and be assured of a warm welcome.