Here at Our Lady of the Rosary, you will find a lively and committed Christian family, who do their best to live out the call of Jesus to “Come,follow me!”.
We are proud to live here in Staines, we are excited to be part of a wonderful parish community, and we are inspired by the teaching and example of Jesus Christ. Every weekend we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, listening to God’s Word, and sharing the Body and Blood of Jesus. We bring our entire lives to this celebration, and having received Christ, we are transformed into his Body, and we strive to make our homes, our workplaces, our schools, our town, and our world a better place.
If you want to find out more about the life of our parish, do browse this website, and don’t forget to download the latest copy of the parish newsletter. Of course there will be times when we forget to update the website, and there are plenty of bits missing, so the best way of discovering more about the parish is to join us for Mass at the weekend.
You are always welcome here (in the church not just on the website), so please make yourself known to me, your parish priest.
May God bless you always,
Fr. Philip Dyer-Perry, Parish Priest