Serving at Tower Hill
Our parish is a vibrant place with lots of opportunities to serve and support the liturgies and activities which happen. Find out how you can get involved below. And if there is anything you want to do but cannot find in our list, just let us know! We are always open to new ideas.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls, young and old – all are invited to serve as altar servers at mass. Experience is not required – if you are new to this kind of service, we will teach you all you need to know. If you wish to serve in this way, get in touch with Fr. Alex or Fr. Ray.
Every year the Parish prepares a group of children for First Holy Communion and another for Confirmation (see our Sacraments page). In order to do this, we need the help of our fantastic catechists. It is so important to have good people willing to transmit our faith to younger generations! And we are always in need of more. Do get in touch with Fr. Alex or Fr. Ray if you think you could help with Catechism classes.
Music is so important in Mass! It is a way to pray and to help others pray. If you like to sing or play some instrument, get in touch with someone from the choir before/after mass and join us! Or simply join us for our rehearsals before Mass (see our Groups page for details). Alongside with singing during the Eucharistic celebrations, we also sing in other special occasions, such as weddings and our annual carol service.
Communications and Media
If you would like to help us maintain our website and develop our media presence on Facebook and Instagram, please get in touch. We are looking for someone who is willing to spend some time helping us as we develop this website and to ensure that it is clear and up to date. We will provide you with all the training you need.
Eucharistic Ministers
If you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister and help in the distribution of Holy Communion, get in touch with Fr. Alex or Fr. Ray.
Every now and then the parish organises some big events. Examples of this are the International Mass, the Carol Service, the Senior Parishioners lunch and the Volunteers Day Barbecue. They can only happen thanks to the generous time that many people give to the planning and preparations. If you like organising events, get in touch with Fr. Alex or Fr. Ray and volunteer when help for a particular event is requested during Mass.
Have you ever noticed the beautiful flowers and plants that decorate our church? These need looking after and replacing. Get in touch if you would like to help caring for the flowers in the church.
Isn’t it lovely to go for a nice cup of tea or coffee and some nibbles after the 11am mass? This is only possible due to our hospitality team, who prepares the drinks and helps cleaning up after the social every Sunday. If hospitality is your strength, speak to the parish priest or to the people who served your drink.
Offertory Collections
If you would like to help with the collections during Offertory, get in touch with Fr. Alex.
Those key people who read during mass. Whether you are an experienced reader or just want to give it a go, get in touch with Fr. Alex, Fr. Ray or any of the readers before or after mass and we will get you involved!
The friendly people who welcome everyone into the church, offering them a music book and order of service and, if needed, helping them to find a seat. Get in touch with Fr. Alex or Fr. Ray if you would like to serve the community in this way.