Faith Sharing Groups
The Parish Faith Sharing Groups run twice a year, during Lent and during the Autumn.
The booklets are available each time at the back of the Church, and from the Parish Office
Two groups meet weekly on each occasion: on Thursdays at 8.00pm at 31 Rotherfield Road, Enfield, and on Saturdays at 2.30 in the Sacristy of the Church.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul
The aims of the Society of St Vincent de Paul are to visit the sick, feed the hungry, help the homeless and befriend the lonely.
The SVP meet fortnightly on a Monday evening at 8.00pm in the Sacristy.
Please see the Newsletter for further details.
The Association for the Propagation of the Faith
The Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF) helps the Catholic Church’s 1,069 mission dioceses around the world to provide pastoral care and preach the Gospel effectively.
We encourage people to hold one of the APF’s famous Red boxes which can be found in over 200,000 Catholic homes in England and Wales. The pounds and pennies that are put into these boxes help to fund the vital work of the Catholic Church abroad, which brings God’s love and hope to the poorest and most in need.
To indicate the extent of work done by the APF, ‘Mission Today’, a quarterly magazine keeps supporters up to date with mission news.
The iconic Red Boxes are a simple way for Catholics to play an active role in the missionary activity of the Church; they give all who come into your home an opportunity to contribute to the life-giving work of the Catholic Church abroad. It is easy to become a Red Box holder. Contact Terry O’Sullivan 01992 444642 for your very own Red Box. Put it somewhere prominent in your home and invite guests to drop their spare change into it whenever they can.
The Boxes are emptied twice a year, during the Summer and during Advent.
The Rosary Group
The Rosary is recited each weekday morning after 10.00am Mass.
The Marian Group
The Marian Group meets each Tuesday morning at 11.00am in the Meeting Room in the Parish Centre.
Members also visit the housebound in the Parish.
The Padre Pio Prayer Group
There is a meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at 11.00am in the Meeting Rooom in the Parish Centre.
The Parent and Toddler Group
The group meets on Tuesday mornings, during School Term Times, in the Main Hall of the Parish Centre.
It is open to all, just come along!
Scouts and Guides
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers meet on a Monday evening.
Guides, Brownies and Rainbows meet on a Wednesday evening.
All the groups meet in the Parish Centre.
For further details, please contact Kevin or Lyn O’Bryan on 01992 468482.