
St Mary Magdalen’s parish is a community of Christian believers called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and to build the Kingdom of God according to His plan.

With Christ as our model and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit our community seeks to:

  • Worship and praise God through collective and private prayer, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments.
  • Encourage and nurture the growth and development of the Christian community in our parish and in society as a whole.
  • Support the Church’s worldwide missionary activity through prayer and financial and practical help.
  • Be at the service of all in need, especially the poor and marginalized, and to support and protect the vulnerable.
  • Respect one another and strive to imitate Jesus through love, compassion, service and forgiveness.
  • Participate in the encouragement and formation of our members to be true disciples of Jesus so that they use their God-given talents to contribute to the building of the Kingdom.