Sacramental Preparation

A Sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is given to us. Full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church requires a period of preparation of both mind and heart to be receptive to the grace of new life in Christ.

Preparation for baptism usually takes place with the priest. To arrange a baptism please contact the office, preferably via e-mail.

Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion usually takes place once a year, beginning in the Autumn. Please keep an eye out in weekly newsletter for more precise dates.

Sacramental preparation for Confirmation usually takes place every other year. Enrollment for young people going into Year 9 in the September of 2016 will take place in the Autumn. Please see newsletter for more precise dates.

If you are looking to arrange a marriage in our church, or if you’re a catholic living in Abbots Langley and want to marry in another parish, place or country, it is of vital importance that you contact Father Paul at least six months before the proposed date of your marriage.