If you are inquiring about marrying here, then congratulations on your forthcoming wedding. This must be a happy moment, and one full of expectation for yourselves. We join you in asking God’s blessing for a long and happy marriage.

All bookings for weddings at St Saviours are taken on condition that both parties are free to marry in the eyes of the Catholic Church. We require at last six months notice, and compiling of all the necessary documents. If one of you is not a Catholic then it will be necessary to apply for the dispensation from the diocese.

Couples not resident in the parish need to get the permission of their parish priest to marry here.

We also help couples resident in the parish but marrying elsewhere to complete the necessary paperwork. This will also usually mean participating in a marriage preparation course here or elsewhere. Again, at least six months notice in advance is necessary.

For details of MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSES in the Diocese of Westminster and all related information please see:

Please contact Fr Richard Mway-Zeng to book an appointment with him