On Sunday 11th August, the Sunday closest to the Feast of the Assumption, Father Denis will lead a small service at Baldock Cemetery, which is just off The Sycamores, next to The Orange Tree Pub. He will be blessing the graves of all our loved ones. If you wish to attend, please be at the […]
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Our ANNUAL OPEN AIR MASS & PARISH BARBEQUE will be held on Sunday 30th June, at 10.30am. Please remember that as there will be only one Mass during the weekend, we come together as a parish and celebrate. Everyone is invited to bring their own chairs or blanket. We will serve food afterwards, but more […]
Continue ReadingLOURDES PILGRIMAGE 19th – 26th July 2024
Registration for the Westminster diocesan pilgrimage led by Cardinal Vincent Nicholas is now open via the application formor by contacting the Pilgrimage Office on 020 7798 9173. Options to travel by plane, train or coach are available and there are many volunteering opportunities for those wishing to serve. All applications to join this year’s pilgrimage […]
Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony at Westminster Cathedral,Saturday 25th May 2024 at 2:30pm. The Cardinal is inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese, who are celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and everyyear over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2024. If you are […]
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Our next coffee morning will be on Thursday 22nd February after the 10ammass (please note change of date). The sacrament of the sick will be administered during the mass. We provide the tea/ coffee and cakes all you have to provide is the chat!! All cake donations very welcome.
Our Baptism preparation course runs this month: Session 1: Tuesday, 8th February at 7.30pmSession 2: Tuesday, 13th February 7.30 pm. If you are interested in joining the baptism course please contact the parish office on 01462 893127
Continue ReadingChristmas Nativity Breakfast Event – All Parishioners Welcome!
Our Parish Men’s Breakfast Group would like toinvite all parishioners (both men and women) to aspecial Christmas Breakfast Event next Saturday,9th December at 8.15am. The morning will begin as usual with a light breakfast followed by a bigscreen viewing of a one-off Christmas episode ofThe Chosen which is centred on the story of theNativity and […]
There will be a good supply of Christmas cards, Advent Calendars, candles and other items on sale in the church from the weekend of 18th/19thNovember. You will be able to pay cash or by card for any item.
The weekend of December 2 & 3rd after each of the Masses, Bob Emmett will be having a sale of his woodworking items. The money gained from these sales is sent out to the Columban Sisters running hospitals, clinics and hospices across SE Asia & South America. Also supportedis Sightsavers, a charity performing eye operations. […]
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The new session of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) begins next month. It is the course of instruction for those seeking to enter the Catholic Church, and may also be appropriate for those Catholics who wish to deepen their understanding of the faith. The RCIA programme will begin on the 3rd October a […]
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