Christianity is about becoming a sharer in God’s own life. In Baptism God’s life is poured into your soul (like the water that is poured out). In Baptism you become a child of God.
Jesus calls on all believers to be baptised. “Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3: 5). Through Baptism, we are washed from our sins, born into the family of God and can grow in a relationship with God.
Baptism “…is the door that permits Christ the Lord to make his dwelling in us and allows us to immerse ourselves in his mystery.”
Pope Francis
What are you waiting for? Baptism is a free gift of God. Below you will find information on how we prepare adults or families with young children for Baptism at St Benedict’s.
Since the start of the Church, children have been baptised and parents have received teaching to help raise their child to love Jesus.
An early church leader, called Hippolytus, in 215 instructed the faithful to: “Baptise first the children, and if they can speak for themselves let them do so. Otherwise, let their parents or other relatives speak for them.”
As a parent, God calls you to have your child baptised and to gather with God’s family, the Church, on Sundays. God also calls you to teach your child about their relationship with God; that they may know and love him.
At St Benedict’s we have a preparation course for Parents. It’s carried out before Baptism. It helps you to discover your God given role as Parents and how to help your child grow in their relationship with God throughout life.
The first step is to meet with the Parish Priest. To organise this please contact the Parish Office. 020 8194 2301 or
“No one deserves baptism, which is always a gift for everyone, adults and new-borns. But like what happens to a seed full of life, this gift takes root and brings forth fruit in a land nourished by faith.” Pope Francis
Preparation for Baptism for Adults is carried out through a journey of faith called RCIA. For more information on this process click HERE