Marriage Preparation
The Marriage Preparation Course at Ealing Abbey is on hold due to the pandemic. Interested couples, please contact the parish office, and we will notify you when it is possible to hold the course.
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God calls everyone to be holy, which is to be like God. The best way to become like God is to become people of love.
Marriage is a school of love that many are called to by God. It is not just the vows of one person to another. It is also God’s vow that in their mutual love the couple can be certain to find Him, and bring Him to others.
In Marriage, the couple are called to help one another, and their children, to find their way to Heaven; that is to encounter God and live in that relationship. This is impossible on our own, so God gives the couple grace through the Sacrament of Marriage to be able to sanctify themselves and others. In Marriage, the couple have from God everything they need to be holy and to raise children to know and love God.
Marriage is a joyful adventure and a wonderful calling to follow Christ with a total giving of one’s life in love to a spouse and, God willing, to children.