Preparation for the Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation is not for you, it is for others. Confirmation is receiving the Holy Spirit in order to better defend and spread the Catholic faith.
This world needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. God chooses to share the Good News through people and he is calling you to take part in this.
However, you can only share what you know. You can only help others to encounter Jesus if you have encountered Jesus yourself and have a living relationship with him.
Therefore, Confirmation is not merely an event or a party, it is receiving the Holy Spirit in order to share the Good News.
As a Parish we want all our Parishioners to be on fire with love of Jesus. We want to make life-long disciples of Jesus.
Sometimes we can go through the motions with our faith without having encountered Jesus or without being aware of his presence in our life. Because of this, we have a pre-Confirmation journey, called Encounter, for our teenagers who are not yet ready for embarking on the Confirmation programme.
For info on our preparation click HERE.
Preparation for Confirmation is carried out through a journey of faith called RCIA. For more information on this process click HERE.