
Our Diocese

The Episcopal Vicar for Safeguarding and the Safeguarding Co-ordinator are responsible for the planning and monitoring of all aspects of vulnerable groups work within the Diocese, with the exception of schools. This involves responding to any allegations past or present, of inappropriate behaviour or actual abuse of children or vulnerable adults by any person working for the Diocese, either paid or voluntary, and liaising with the police and social services. It also involves promoting and implementing the National Policies for Child Protection or the Protection of Vulnerable Adults which have been adopted by the Diocese.

If you have any questions about Safeguarding or are concerned about a child or adult at risk then please contact the Safeguarding Team below.

If you believe a child or adult at risk is in immediate danger then please contact the emergency services on 999 

RCDOW Safeguarding Team

Episcopal Vicar for Safeguarding – Rev Monsignor Séamus O’Boyle: / 020 7226 3277

Interim Safeguarding Manager – Barbara Beese: / 0207 798 9350

PA to the Safeguarding Coordinator/Team Administrator/Commission Secretary – Gabriele Sedda: / 0207 798 9356

Safeguarding Officer – Natalie Creswick: / 0207 798 9359

DBS Administrator – Jackie Krobo: / 0207 798 9352

Safeguarding Support Officer – Arianna Sommariva: / 020 7798 9358

Parish Safeguarding Officer
Bertha Alvares. Email: