GRACIOUS THANKS: Fr John and the Parish office would like to thank everyone for their beautiful cards and gifts and messages of condolences over the Christmas period. We are completely overwhelmed with such generosity and love for Fr David and we ask you all to keep Fr David and his family in your prayers at this time.
WHITE FLOWER APPEAL: This weekend 13th/14th Jan 2024 at all Masses, there will be a retiring collection for the White Flower Appeal, for SPUC (The Society for the Protection of unborn children).
THE HOLY LAND APPEAL: Raised £629.38 for the people who have been affected by the conflict. Thank you for giving generously as always.
PAX CHRISTI (PEACE SUNDAY): Next Sunday, 19th Jan 2025 is Peace Sunday. “The work of Pax Christi is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Should you like to contribute to Pax Christi, please use the following link:
DVD EVENING – CATHOLICISM: A series of DVD presentations by Bishop Robert Barron.6.45pm in the Parish Room. All Welcome.
Monday 20th January 2025: THE INDISPENSABLE MEN. Peter, Paul, and the Missionary Adventure
Monday 27th January 2025: A BODY BOTH SUFFERING AND GLORIOUS. The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church
Monday 3rd February 2025: WORD MADE FLESH, TRUE BREAD OF HEAVEN. The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist
Monday 10th February 2025: A VAST COMPANY OF WITNESSES. The Communion of Saints
Tuesday 18th February 2025: THE FIRE OF HIS LOVE. Prayer and the Life of the Spirit
Monday 24th February 2025: WORLD WITHOUT END. The Last Things.
BOOKLETS AVAILABLE TO BUY: These booklets can be purchased from either the Repository or the Sacristy. The monthly Edition of the Magnificat: January 2024: £4.99. Walk with Me: £1.00
ST VINCENT DE PAUL “VINNIE PACKS”: The SVP are distributing over 10,000 homeless packs (Vinnie Packs) during the extreme cold weather. Each pack contains thermal gloves, thermal hat, two pairs of socks, face cloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, information sheets and pen. Please could you consider sponsoring packs at a suggested donation of £4.10 per pack? Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or by bank transfer to Nat West sort code 60-60-04, account no. 4608 8237. Thank you so much for your support.”
WRCDT – ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2024: There are copies of the Diocese Annual Accounts for 2023, available in the Sacristy, should anyone like to view these.
CONSECRATION OF OUR ALTAR: many have asked about the relics placed in our altar by the Cardinal during the consecration. The relics are of: St Stephen of Hungary, St Thomas of Canterbury, St Martin de Porres, St Joseph Cottolengo. We venerate them and ask their prayers for our parish.
PLEASE DO USE THE NEW CONTACTLESS MACHINES IN THE CHURCH FOR ALL YOUR DONATIONS, INCLUDING, OFFERTORY, 7-9 DAY CANDLES, VOTIVE CANDLES, REPOSITORY AND MASS INTENTION. THANK YOU. REPOSITORY AND MASS INTENTION. Please also use the QR code on the poster next to the machine, this will take any smart phone to the same website and process your donation. Please also Gift Aid your donations where possible if you are a UK Tax Payer. Thank you.
LIVE STREAMING: All our masses are live streamed every day. The LIVE STREAM is also on 24/7, this maybe of comfort to some people who are unable to sleep or would like to view the Sanctuary outside of Mass times or church opening times. Can access the stream by visiting our page at: and clicking on the live feed button.
SICK & RETIRED PRIEST FUND: Last year, the Diocese of Westminster provided care to 72 retired priests, at a cost of £976,000. The number of our priests over the age of 65 is steadily increasing, and caring for our brother priests in their senior years, or at a time of illness, is a fundamental part of the mission of our diocese. Whilst we work with the NHS and local authorities to ensure funding gaps are met, we still rely heavily on the generosity of parishioners who contribute to this worthy fund each year. The priests in our Diocese, although retired, continue to serve long into their late seventies and eighties.
They continue to work in our parishes and schools, visit our sick or elderly in hospices, and hospitals, and make themselves available, at our time of crisis and need. We continue to depend on them, in times of grief and sorrow, but also at times of joy, such as baptisms and weddings. They, however, are also dependent on us, and our generosity, for their care, and for essentials like housing, rent or any health needs. Thank you so much and please continue to pray for all our clergy: active, retired or ill. To donate towards the fund please visit:
GRACIOUS THANKS: Fr John and the Parish office would like to thank everyone for their beautiful cards and gifts and messages of condolences over the Christmas period. We are completely overwhelmed with such generosity and love for Fr David and we ask you all to keep Fr David and his family in your prayers at this time.
WHITE FLOWER APPEAL: This weekend 13th/14th Jan 2024 at all Masses, there will be a retiring collection for the White Flower Appeal, for SPUC (The Society for the Protection of unborn children).
THE HOLY LAND APPEAL: Raised £629.38 for the people who have been affected by the conflict. Thank you for giving generously as always.
PAX CHRISTI (PEACE SUNDAY): Next Sunday, 19th Jan 2025 is Peace Sunday. “The work of Pax Christi is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Should you like to contribute to Pax Christi, please use the following link:
DVD EVENING – CATHOLICISM: A series of DVD presentations by Bishop Robert Barron.6.45pm in the Parish Room. All Welcome.
Monday 20th January 2025: THE INDISPENSABLE MEN. Peter, Paul, and the Missionary Adventure
Monday 27th January 2025: A BODY BOTH SUFFERING AND GLORIOUS. The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church
Monday 3rd February 2025: WORD MADE FLESH, TRUE BREAD OF HEAVEN. The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist
Monday 10th February 2025: A VAST COMPANY OF WITNESSES. The Communion of Saints
Tuesday 18th February 2025: THE FIRE OF HIS LOVE. Prayer and the Life of the Spirit
Monday 24th February 2025: WORLD WITHOUT END. The Last Things.
BOOKLETS AVAILABLE TO BUY: These booklets can be purchased from either the Repository or the Sacristy. The monthly Edition of the Magnificat: January 2024: £4.99. Walk with Me: £1.00
ST VINCENT DE PAUL “VINNIE PACKS”: The SVP are distributing over 10,000 homeless packs (Vinnie Packs) during the extreme cold weather. Each pack contains thermal gloves, thermal hat, two pairs of socks, face cloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, information sheets and pen. Please could you consider sponsoring packs at a suggested donation of £4.10 per pack? Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or by bank transfer to Nat West sort code 60-60-04, account no. 4608 8237. Thank you so much for your support.”
WRCDT – ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2024: There are copies of the Diocese Annual Accounts for 2023, available in the Sacristy, should anyone like to view these.
CONSECRATION OF OUR ALTAR: many have asked about the relics placed in our altar by the Cardinal during the consecration. The relics are of: St Stephen of Hungary, St Thomas of Canterbury, St Martin de Porres, St Joseph Cottolengo. We venerate them and ask their prayers for our parish.
PLEASE DO USE THE NEW CONTACTLESS MACHINES IN THE CHURCH FOR ALL YOUR DONATIONS, INCLUDING, OFFERTORY, 7-9 DAY CANDLES, VOTIVE CANDLES, REPOSITORY AND MASS INTENTION. THANK YOU. REPOSITORY AND MASS INTENTION. Please also use the QR code on the poster next to the machine, this will take any smart phone to the same website and process your donation. Please also Gift Aid your donations where possible if you are a UK Tax Payer. Thank you.
LIVE STREAMING: All our masses are live streamed every day. The LIVE STREAM is also on 24/7, this maybe of comfort to some people who are unable to sleep or would like to view the Sanctuary outside of Mass times or church opening times. Can access the stream by visiting our page at: and clicking on the live feed button.
SICK & RETIRED PRIEST FUND: Last year, the Diocese of Westminster provided care to 72 retired priests, at a cost of £976,000. The number of our priests over the age of 65 is steadily increasing, and caring for our brother priests in their senior years, or at a time of illness, is a fundamental part of the mission of our diocese. Whilst we work with the NHS and local authorities to ensure funding gaps are met, we still rely heavily on the generosity of parishioners who contribute to this worthy fund each year. The priests in our Diocese, although retired, continue to serve long into their late seventies and eighties.
They continue to work in our parishes and schools, visit our sick or elderly in hospices, and hospitals, and make themselves available, at our time of crisis and need. We continue to depend on them, in times of grief and sorrow, but also at times of joy, such as baptisms and weddings. They, however, are also dependent on us, and our generosity, for their care, and for essentials like housing, rent or any health needs. Thank you so much and please continue to pray for all our clergy: active, retired or ill. To donate towards the fund please visit:
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Returns today. Children from Reception to year 2 included are welcome to attend. Parents are welcome to accompany their child/ren to the Parish Room and can then come up to the main church.
MISSIO: Thank you for your donations to the World Mission Sunday appeal. Your prayers and support will help missionaries work alongside communities worldwide, regardless of background or belief. Please continue to pray for all who share the love and hope of Christ with our sisters and brothers in need throughout the world. To support mission year-round, visit or call 020 7821 9755 (office hours). We raised £290.90 for MISSIO. Thank you for your generosity.
ST. ANSELM AND ST. CAECILIA CHILDREN’S CHOIR NEEDS YOUR VOICE!!: Do you love singing? Do you love music, and would you like to be an even better singer? The Schola Caeciliana, the youth Choir of St. Anselm and St. Caecilia is always looking for new members of age 7 upwards to sing at 10am Mass on Sundays. Choir practice takes place in the Parish Room at the church after 10am Mass. All are welcome and it’s not necessary to be able to read music. Free one-to-one singing lessons are provided. Your parents can sign you up by emailing the Parish Office at
SECONDARY SCHOOL FORMS: If you would like any secondary school forms (Certificate of Catholic Practice) signed please make an appointment to see Fr David. Please email the Parish Office with dates and times you are available.
CAFOD PARISH CONTACT: CAFOD is looking for someone within our parish who could act as a contact to enable others to support and hear about CAFOD’s work particularly during Lent and Harvest. If you are interested in alleviating poverty and social injustice and would like to help others to support this crucial work, please contact Fr David at or 0207 405 0376.
SICK OR HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS: Do you know anyone who is sick and or housebound, who would like a visit from Fr David to bring them Holy Communion? Please do let us know by emailing the Parish Office on with the details.
CAFOD-DEC MIDDLE EAST HUMANITARIAN APPEAL: The conflict in the Middle East is getting worse and the families affected need our help. Please donate today to the CAFOD-DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal and support our local Caritas partners in Gaza and Lebanon as they continue to provide essential food, water and shelter:
ENGLISH MARTYRS CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADMISSIONS 2025-26: a lively, friendly small primary school that welcomes children from all faiths and more. We pride ourselves on being inclusive and diverse. Our mission statement encourages strong links between school, home and parish, where all children are nurtured within a supportive Christian environment and their potential valued – spiritually, morally, academically and socially. We offer tours of our school each Tuesday from 9:30am – 11am starting Tuesday 5th November until Tuesday 7th January for prospective parents. No appointment necessary. Please contact the school office on 020 7709 0182 if you need to make a separate arrangement to visit us. We currently have spaces in most classes. For more information contact:
SICK OR HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS: Do you know anyone who is sick and or housebound, who would like a visit from Fr David to bring them Holy Communion? Please do let us know by emailing the Parish Office on with the details.
DAILY PRAYER is vital for all of us. “Click to Pray” Is the Pope’s App that connects your prayer to the world. Download the App for free on the App store or Google play.
PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES: Parishioners who donate by planned giving envelopes, please collect the new set of boxes from the Sacristy. Anyone who wishes to sign up and give this way please contact the Parish office on
IN CASE YOU ARE ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL: In the light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed on to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the Chaplain to visit you.
GOOD COUNCIL NETWORK: Through God’s grace we have seen thousands of Mothers in our counselling centre continue their pregnancies in very difficult circumstances. Please help us to help save lives with your prayers, fasting and support.
CATHOLIC LISTENERS: If you are searching for answers about the Catholic faith. The Catholic Listeners website is now available. Just click the link:
ADVICE ON ENERGY BILLS: National Energy Action’s Warm and Safe Homes (WASH) Advice Service is a free support service providing advice and help to householders in England and Wales on their energy bills and keeping warm and safe in their home. They can also help with benefits advice and income maximisation. Information and advice are available via their website, and their dedicated helpline 0800 304 7159 (BSL interpreters available).
THE UNIVERSE CATHOLIC WEEKLY: a website full of trustworthy articles and an online shop with all subscribers receiving a 10% discount. Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE introductory offer by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650, email:
CATHOLIC PUBLICATIONS: Since we no long stock the Catholic magazines and newspapers here, you can buy subscriptions online for either digital or paper copies, please use the following links:
CAFOD ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CRISIS APPEAL: Donate to CAFOD’s Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal at or call 0303 303 3030 to support those affected and get funds to local trusted experts in Gaza and southern Israel who have been working alongside communities helping those most in need. Your donation will help support aid workers providing urgent humanitarian aid including food, water and emergency shelter to those in need. Thank you for your prayers.
GUILD OF ST STEPHEN: If anyone is interested in becoming an altar server then please see Michael O’Leary after any of the Sunday Masses or contact him on 07914420290 or by email at Altar servers must be committed to serving every Sunday and major feast days plus other services when requested. Michael O’Leary Parish M.C.
Thank you for your generosity.
PETER’S PENCE : £299.95
DAY FOR LIFE: £325.39.
HOLY PLACES: £636.48.
HOLY PLACES: £636.48
MISSIO (APF/Mill Hill) Red Box Collection: £196
SICK AND RETIRED PRIESTS’ FUND: A fantastic £ 1523.73
CATHOLIC CHAPLAINCY TO LONDON’S UNIVERSITIES: Are you a student at one of the universities or colleges in London, or in Hatfield? Our Catholic Chaplaincy is for you! It is based at Newman House, 111 Gower Street, WC1E 6AR. We have Sunday Masses for students and regular events during the week. And in many of the universities and colleges we also have campus-based Catholic societies and activities. Go to: to find out more. You will be made very welcome at our Catholic community here, a ‘home from home.’ If you are a full-time student (undergraduate or graduate student) heading to a university outside London, then why not take a look at to identify the Catholic chaplaincy in your place of study. Your Catholic chaplains will look forward to meeting you!
CATHOLIC CERTIFICATE IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CCRS): provides courses to gain knowledge and understanding of theology and the Catholic faith. You can learn the course in person, by distance learning or online – Centres (in person learning) Life-Light Home Study Courses (distance learning) or call 01844 351 514 CCRS Online (online learning) or call 0151 291 3055
We have an excellent website full of trustworthy articles and an online shop with all subscribers receiving a 10% discount. If you are interested in our Digital Subscription Offer, call Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email:
THE HEALTHY START SCHEME: is something many people don’t know about, and therefore don’t claim! This scheme provides help with buying healthy food and milk, and is open to people receiving Universal Credit or Child Tax Credits, who are pregnant or have a child under 4. Find out more here –
LONDON CHARTERHOUSE CATENIANS: is a fellowship of Catholic men. Meetings: 2nd Mondays at 19:00 / Dinner at 20:00 > 22:00 at: Thistle Holborn Hotel, London WC1 / web: / email:
VATICAN NEWS: Love the Stranger – A Catholic Response to Migrants and Refugees.
RADIO MARIA ENGLAND: Tired of listening to interminable arguments or constantly depressing news on the radio? Radio Maria England, a growing Catholic radio station, might be exactly what you need! Broadcasting from Cambridge and from its brand-new London studio, it is available on DAB+, online, and through the Radio Maria England app. The 24hr broadcast includes a variety of talk shows about life as a Catholic, a live Rosary to which you can call in with your intentions, beautiful spiritual reflections, and a selection of Christian music. For more information, or if you’re interested in getting involved by volunteering or donating, please contact
THE FCJ SPIRITUALITY CENTRE: run by the Women Religious, Faithful Companions of Jesus, offers a warm, hospitality and spiritual nourishment. It honours inclusivity and diversity and promotes hope, calm and beauty in the midst of a busy city. For the 2024 programme contact: or Facebook: for more information. A copy of the programme is on out noticeboard at the back of the church.
THE BIBLE & CATHOLICS: This month our Focus is on Making Time for a Retreat with our specially designed do-it-yourself retreat –
CATHOLIC LISTENERS, is a new confidential helpline launched this year during Holy Week. The service which is part of the Diocese of Westminster, has been set up for those who are returning to the faith as well as to support those who need someone to talk to. The helpline is all about listening to others, listening to those who might have become isolated due to the pandemic. This service is based on the Landings ethos of compassionate listening. Although not a counselling service, there is a professional team trained in signposting callers to other services and agencies. For further information please email or call us on 0800 448 0704
COMMUNITY FORMATION PROJECT SVP: This autumn the St Vincent de Paul Society is offering a series of online taster sessions for parishioners who are interested in getting involved in their local community. Together with the Centre of the Art of Dying Well they have created sessions for members who wish to learn about becoming end of life companions in hospitals, hospices, care homes and parish settings. There is an associated practitioners’ conference, evaluation and academic papers which sit alongside the training programme. To find out more, visit or email If there is a pressing need contact them at
CAMDEN CRISIS SANCTUARY: A community space for residents of Camden who are struggling to cope with their mental health. No appointment needed. 5pm-11pm, 7 days a week. Last drop-in admission 10:30pm. 50-52 Hampstead Road, London, NW1 2PY, 07825165464
MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES 2022: The Bishops have asked us to remember them all in our prayers. For more information.
POVERTY CHALLENGE: SEE, JUDGE, ACT: Following the pandemic, many households now face new hardships as prices rise. Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), the Catholic agency addressing poverty and injustice in England and Wales, has released a free new booklet to increase awareness of Catholic Social Teaching on poverty, and to inform local responses. Please take a moment to read and encourage groups and individuals to engage with it. Download:
REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE: We are in close dialogue with the UK Government on responding to the war in Ukraine. Guidance on how Catholic households and groups can support refugees from Ukraine is available on our website and updated as new information becomes available.
ENERGY CRISIS: If you know of parishioners struggling to pay their heating bills: Caritas has been talking to National Energy Action, who can provide support to households facing energy stress. Their Warm and Safe Homes helpline, 0800 304 7159 is open daily, 10am-12pm, to support clients with energy advice around topics such as reducing energy consumption, Warm Home Discount and Priority Services Register, fuel debt, water rates and benefits advice. Green Doctors also provide free, impartial energy advice and support to households in several London boroughs –
#HELPUKRAINE EMERGENCY APPEAL: How to donate – Direct to the central appeal fund. AUGB Ltd, 80038237, 20-65-89, with reference HelpUkraine. Through our fundraising page on GoFundMe by following the link
AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED: Please pray for all those who suffer religious persecution. We pray, too, for the thousands of people who carry out the work of ACN around the world. We also ask God to bless all those who give their time, prayers and donations to ensure that struggling Christian communities the world over receive the spiritual and material gifts they need to believe that they, too, may hope for a bright future in which they can live out their faith without fear. For more information visit:
MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: are you looking for ways to enrich, nurture and refresh your relationship. Do you need an oasis moment? Worldwide Marriage Encounter provide in-person and virtual (Zoom) enrichment weekends. Cana Welcome
RADIO MARIA: has made its home at the Rosary Shrine: Fr Lawrence Lew OP wants to share this wonderful news for Catholics in London, especially for those of us involved in broadcasting. If you are interested in the work of Evangelisation through the media, declaring Christ as the Light of the nations and the glory of Israel please visit their website below.
THE SYNODAL PATHWAY: Pope Francis has launched a worldwide ‘synod’ process. Synod simply means ‘journeying together’. The Holy Father is inviting us to listen deeply to one another and to discern what God is saying to the Church about how we ‘journey together’. We will have our own synodal pathway, within our parishes and communities in the Diocese of Westminster, united with every diocese across the world. Then, after national and continental gatherings, the Synod of Bishops will gather in Rome in 2023 to reflect on what has been heard.
As the Holy Father said in September:
“I encourage you to take this synodal process seriously and tell you that the Holy Spirit needs you. And this is true: the Holy Spirit needs us. Listen to it by listening to yourself. Don’t leave anyone out or behind.”
And as Cardinal Vincent Nichols explained in his Pastoral Letter:
“The Holy Father is offering us the opportunity to participate in a time of listening and reflecting. He hopes this will help us to discern how God’s presence comes into our lives and what the Spirit of God is prompting us to do anew, so that we might be more alive and creative in our response to the call of Jesus, our Way, Truth and Life.”
The diocesan questions and all the information regarding the synodal pathway can be found by visiting:
MISSIO (APF/Mill Hill) Communities around the world are so grateful that people here in Holborn are supporting them through prayer and generous donations. The missionaries, and the communities they serve, are living in such difficult circumstances, made even harder by COVID-19. They have asked us to pass on their thanks, and tell us that they pray for us all. Find out more at If you do not have a Red Box to take home and use for your cash donations, but would like to support Missio’s APF and Mill Hill Missionaries this way please contact Gemma Osborne 020 7837 4114.
CAFOD WORLD GIFTS: “Like many women around the world, Garmah in Liberia had no legal rights to her home when her husband died. CAFOD worked with local experts to help her and now Garmah and her children live rightfully and happily together in their family home. “Thank you for your support which enables hundreds of women like Garmah remain in their homes during times of struggle. Other examples of our work can be found in our World Gift catalogues or website
ST PATRICK’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Invites parishioners to receive a free yearly subscription of their magazine the Africa. Please send your details to for more information visit:
PLEASE JOIN US: in praying and fasting for the end of abortion in this country for Post Abortion help and to support Pro-Life counselling see: Please invite your friends and Family to join us via this Facebook event;
SAFE SPACES: Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with the Church. It is delivered by a team of support advocates with specialist training in supporting survivors of sexual abuse. It is available to people aged 18 or over who have suffered abuse. Enclosed is a document outlining the service and providing contact details. Please make your parishioners aware of this service.
CARITAS: has a service to support and develop volunteering in the diocese. The aim is to make volunteering as easy as possible for everyone. Please visit the website where you can find role for you. Alternatively contact us directly by emailing or by telephone 0207 798 9063 or 077 3818 3833.
CATHOLIC SINGLES: Single, separated, widowed or divorced?
* Helps practising Catholics meet other Catholics.
* Supports Catholic Parishes and Charities, donating thousands of pounds from members’ fees.
* Provides a strictly confidential service.
* Sends members a monthly bulletin called Catholic Networking.
* Publicises social events free of charge.
£10 annual membership plus an initial donation. Free information, with no obligation, CATHOLIC SINGLES, 1 BURLESCOMBE CLOSE, ALTRINCHAM. WA14 4UX.Tel. 0161 941 3498.
email: website:
HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION FOR ENGLAND & WALES: Rome approved the Bishops’ Conference’s request that the Epiphany be henceforth celebrated on January 6th, unless this falls on a Saturday or Monday, in which case it is celebrated on the Sunday. The Ascension of the Lord will henceforth be celebrated on Thursday in Week 6 of Eastertide. For 2024, the dates are:
Epiphany of the Lord 7th January
Ascension of the Lord 9th May
Corpus Christi Sunday 2nd June
Ss Peter and Paul 30th June
Assumption BVM 15th August
All Saints 1st November
Nativity of the Lord 25th December
FOUNDATION GOVERNORS are needed for our Catholic Schools, ensuring that the Church’s mission and practice are up held. If you are interested, please contact Fr David, or write to The Education Service, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, London SW1P1QN. Visit the website: or call 020 7718 9189.
SPEC: “Are you over 18 and planning a gap year? Join us for a year at the Westminster Youth Ministry retreat centre as a volunteer missionary supporting schools and parishes of our diocese, where you can develop skills to help you with your future and deepen and grow in your Catholic faith. We provide wonderful accommodation in glorious surroundings, all meals and a monthly allowance. To see how our past volunteer missionaries have used this experience to build their future and to find out more, visit
(Romans 15:7) Pope Francis asks that we be a Church that does not just welcome and receive by keeping doors open, but one that finds new ways; that is able to step outside itself and go out to welcome the stranger. Powered by the living word within us, audacious and courageous we can go to the refugees and exiles, the homeless and hungry, the unemployed and those who have lost hope, those who have left our communities or are indifferent and invite them to find that peace and life that comes from knowing you are truly welcome. Now it is the author of the letter to the Hebrews who encourages us further when he writes:
Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares (Hebrews 13:1-2)
The following links can help us explore Scripture more deeply
Every Friday from 11-12:30pm at Austin Forum, Augustinian Centre, 55 Fulham Palace Road, W6 8AU.We offer support in CV writing, job searches, translating documents and assisting with telephone calls. For more information email
If you live, work or the area and could help, now is the time to let us know. Please contact:
Visit our website: find out more.
CAFOD SYRIA-TURKEY EARTHQUAKE APPEAL: CAFOD is responding with support of provision of food, water, shelter, medical assistance and winter kits for survivors. Your donations in recent months have made that quick response possible. Let us join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather. Your support for CAFOD throughout the year allows our Catholic agency to act quickly when disasters strike. For more details visit CAFOD’s Syria Turkey Emergency Appeal online at
RADIO MARIA ENGLAND: Tired of listening to interminable arguments or constantly depressing news on the radio? Radio Maria England, a growing Catholic radio station, might be exactly what you need! Broadcasting from Cambridge and from its brand-new London studio, it is available on DAB+, online, and through the Radio Maria England app. The 24hr broadcast includes a variety of talk shows about life as a Catholic, a live Rosary to which you can call in with your intentions, beautiful spiritual reflections, and a selection of Christian music. For more information, or if you’re interested in getting involved by volunteering or donating, please contact
THE GOD WHO SPEAKS is the Bishops’ Conference Scripture initiative, in partnership with Bible Society that nurtures a deeper Catholic engagement with the Bible. If you’re curious about the Bible, ‘The God Who Speaks’ is the place for you. Visit the website for great resources, events and ideas to help you deepen your faith and love of the Scriptures.
THE FCJ SPIRITUALITY CENTRE: run by the Women Religious, Faithful Companions of Jesus, offers a warm, hospitality and spiritual nourishment. It honours inclusivity and diversity and promotes hope, calm and beauty in the midst of a busy city. For the 2024 programme contact: or Facebook: for more information. A copy of the programme is on out noticeboard at the back of the church.
THE GOOD COUNSEL NETWORK: There have now been over ten million abortions in Great Britain since the Abortion Act was passed 55 years ago, in October 1967. With this terrible number of lives lost, please pray and fast for the end of abortion in this country. Share this with your friends on Facebook,
THE BIBLE & CATHOLICS: This month our Focus is on Making Time for a Retreat with our specially designed do-it-yourself retreat –
CAMDEN CRISIS SANCTUARY: A community space for residents of Camden who are struggling to cope with their mental health. No appointment needed. 5pm-11pm, 7 days a week. Last drop-in admission 10:30pm. 50-52 Hampstead Road, London, NW1 2PY, 07825165464
REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE: We are in close dialogue with the UK Government on responding to the war in Ukraine. Guidance on how Catholic households and groups can support refugees from Ukraine is available on our website and updated as new information becomes available.
ENERGY CRISIS: If you know of parishioners struggling to pay their heating bills: Caritas has been talking to National Energy Action, who can provide support to households facing energy stress. Their Warm and Safe Homes helpline, 0800 304 7159 is open daily, 10am-12pm, to support clients with energy advice around topics such as reducing energy consumption, Warm Home Discount and Priority Services Register, fuel debt, water rates and benefits advice. Green Doctors also provide free, impartial energy advice and support to households in several London boroughs –
AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED: Please pray for all those who suffer religious persecution. We pray, too, for the thousands of people who carry out the work of ACN around the world. We also ask God to bless all those who give their time, prayers and donations to ensure that struggling Christian communities the world over receive the spiritual and material gifts they need to believe that they, too, may hope for a bright future in which they can live out their faith without fear. For more information visit:
MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: are you looking for ways to enrich, nurture and refresh your relationship. Do you need an oasis moment? Worldwide Marriage Encounter provide in-person and virtual (Zoom) enrichment weekends. Cana Welcome
CAFOD WORLD GIFTS: “Like many women around the world, Garmah in Liberia had no legal rights to her home when her husband died. CAFOD worked with local experts to help her and now Garmah and her children live rightfully and happily together in their family home. “Thank you for your support which enables hundreds of women like Garmah remain in their homes during times of struggle. Other examples of our work can be found in our World Gift catalogues or website
ST PATRICK’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Invites parishioners to receive a free yearly subscription of their magazine the Africa. Please send your details to for more information visit:
PLEASE JOIN US: in praying and fasting for the end of abortion in this country for Post Abortion help and to support Pro-Life counselling see: Please invite your friends and Family to join us via this Facebook event;
RETROUVAILLE: Covid 19—a very challenging time for many marriages. So much uncertainty around, health, income, employment, vulnerable family members, children, housing. Different ways of seeing things, coping with change, managing fears can be a source of conflict and stress. It can be difficult to talk, to listen to support and comfort when there is so much uncertainty. Being together all the time, brings different challenges. You wonder would we be better apart? Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples, it brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage ….and you don’t need to leave home, it comes to you! For confidential information about Retrouvaille’, or to register for the next programme. Call or text +44788 729 6983 or +44 797 338 0443. Email: – or visit
RETROUVAILLE: A PROGRAMME FOR COUPLES STRUGGLING IN THEIR MARRIAGES: Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending and using the tools provided. The programme helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. It helps them through difficult times whether they are disillusioned or in deep misery. There is no group therapy or group work. For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the next programme commencing with a Virtual weekend call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443 or email– or visit
HELP YOUR PARISH THROUGH GIFT AID : Gift Aid enables members of our congregation and visitors to the church to increase the value of their donations by 25% at no extra cost to themselves. If you pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax, some of this can be returned to the Church by the tax authorities if evidence of your donation is registered. There are many ways to do this, including use of numbered envelopes allocated to a named parishioner, Standing Orders paid directly from a bank account, and using special Gift Aid envelopes found in the containers at the back of the church. Please consider whether you can join the many parishioners and visitors who already increase the effectiveness of their generous donations in this way.
The Parish is grateful to all Mass-goers who take the trouble to use the individual Gift Aid envelopes for the Mass collection and other offerings, e.g. Mass Stipends, candles, etc. The Diocese has recently re-designed the envelopes to comply with new legal requirements and personal details are now written on a tear-off slip which is placed inside the envelope along with the cash or cheque offering. There is otherwise no increase in the amount of information required. The envelopes are now available at the back of the Church, the main change being that being stiffer than the previous design, they need to be folded firmly before being pushed into a coin slot or collection pouch.
Every Friday from 11-12:30pm at Austin Forum, Augustinian Centre, 55 Fulham Palace Road, W6 8AU.We offer support in CV writing, job searches, translating documents and assisting with telephone calls. For more information email