Finance Committee – Report for 2023

Parish Financial News (2023 )

You will be used to our parish newsletter containing information on the many spiritual and pastoral activities that take place in our Parish and beyond. However, as our Parish has just submitted its Financial Return to the Diocese for 2023, it is timely to provide a financial update to parishioners. 

Many people are surprised when they find out that our Parish is totally dependent upon the money it receives from parishioners and visitors. Our Parish receives no income from the Diocese, or the Vatican, in fact the reverse is true. Our total income is made up of ‘assessable’ and ‘non-assessable’ amounts.  

Our ‘assessable income’ i.e. weekly collections has a levy applied by Westminster Diocese, whereby we contribute to the working of the Diocese’s activities such as spiritual and pastoral development, the training of priests and deacons, support for sick and retired priests, the Catholic Education Service that supports our schools and the ongoing support for those in need including the poor and those who are victims of human trafficking. Our assessable income was £59,349. 

Our ‘non-assessable’ income is made up of donations that do not incur this levy, such as income from parish activities, donations, legacies (money people leave in their Wills) and collections we take, and pay over, to third parties, for example the recent crib collection for the Westminster Children’s Society and the £1649 donated to support the charities in the West Bank and Gaza. Our non-assessable income was £32,344. 

Expenditure is, as I’m sure you are aware from running your homes, continually increasing with property repairs (£10,609) and fuel bills (£9,672) being major costs. Our expenditure was for the year ending 2023 was £69,755 

So, in the 2023 financial year, thanks to your generous contributions, and to tight controls on expenditure our income (£91k) has exceeded our costs (£70k), with the surplus (321k) allowing us to start new projects, such as the recent renewal of our parish church car park.  

The condition of the car park, with its perished surface, huge pothole, trip hazard and a sinkhole outside the presbytery, meant a costly project, with the total cost of £30,270. If anyone feels able to contribute with a donation towards this project, it would be most appreciated. Cheques made payable to Ware Catholic Church or directly into our account: sort code 40-05-20, account number 81308556, reference Car Park; or use the Contactless Machine at the back of the church and select, ‘Car Park Fund’. 

Future anticipated works include the church heating, updates in the presbytery and redecoration of the church and hall, particularly the porch areas which need attention now that the rain damage has been repaired. 

 When you were born, or when you moved to Ware, there was a Catholic Church here for you to attend, for you or your children to receive the sacraments, and to support the mission of the Catholic Church in Ware and beyond. This was due to the generosity of previous generations and it is now our responsibility, through good stewardship,  to undertake the ongoing support of our Parish, our church buildings and its pastoral activities, as current users and for future generations.  

So, if you are already giving, we thank you again for your support. We also encourage everyone to take this opportunity to consider how you can contribute to the financial wellbeing of your parish (there are examples overleaf) by your donations of money or by sharing your talents. 

Q. What is the best way to give money to my Parish? 

All forms of giving are greatly appreciated. Standing Orders are the most convenient and secure way to make contributions, avoiding the need to count and find somewhere to bank cash. Standing order forms can be obtained from the parish office. 

The contactless offertory machine is also secure and convenient, although there is a small percentage charge to us for the cost of providing and maintaining the machine. 

Offertory Envelopes will be phased out this year as we move to more modern electronic means of supporting our parish. This is due to all the banks in our town closing down and the cost of ordering the envelopes. Cash collections will remain for the time being. 

Gift Aid – if you pay tax, then please gift aid your donations as this increases the value of your donation by 25% to the parish, without any additional cost to you. 

Special Donations – these are ‘non-assessable’ income that support our parish and can be given regularly as well as occasionally. Some people have a monthly standing order for their regular collection and a monthly, quarterly or annual standing order for ‘special donations’. You need to make it clear to the parish office if you are giving a ‘special donation’ so it can be accounted for correctly. 

Gifts in Wills (Legacies) are a good way to provide lasting support for your local Church and are exempt from inheritance tax. Please contact the parish office or your solicitor, who can add a short codicil to your will. 

Support parish activities. These are a great way to engage with other parishioners, have fun, build the community and often make a financial contribution to the parish. Planned socials, bring and buy sales, bottle tombolas, buying jams are all examples. If you have an idea for a parish activity please contact the parish office ( or 01920 462140 Mon-Thur 10am-1pm). 

Join the 100 club 

Membership of the 100 club costs £50 per year per subscription and the year runs from April. The draw is made on the first Sunday of the month after the 10.30am Mass. Monthly prize amounts are  1st prize £50, 2nd prize £30 and third prize £10.  There is an extra prize of £100 in December. Application Forms are available at the back of the church. You can pay by cheque, cash or using the contactless machine at the back of the church. An application form must be completed for all subscriptions. 

Give your time – many jobs, that otherwise would need to be paid for, are done by volunteers including gardening cleaning, flower arranging and small maintenance jobs. This can also be another great way to meet parishioners or go solo, if that suits you better, often at a time to suit you. We are particularly keen to hear from people with property maintenance skills. 

Company giving – if you work for a company who supports charities or does match-funding please let us know. If you run your own company and can undertake works, we would also love to hear from you. 

Contact details for the parish office are on the regular newsletter or you can contact a member of the Finance Committee by email to  (please do not send any financial details to this email address). 

Fr Charles & the Parish Finance Committee 

April 2024