The Tradition of Mass Intentions

If you would like a Mass offered for a particular intention, for someone you know who is deceased  or for someone who is ill, please contact the parish office with the details & date you would like the Mass to be offered, these intentions will be printed in our weekly newsletter.

It is a longstanding Catholic tradition to have Masses offered for a particular intention, for the living and the dead. Mass Cards can be sent to comfort relatives, friends and loved ones. The Mass card has space to write who or what the intention is for, when the Mass is to be held, and who has requested the Intention. The Intention might be for a sick relative or friend, for a difficult situation at home, school or work, or for peace or help for victims of natural disaster.

We request a Mass Intention because our Catholic faith is centred on Mass and the Eucharist, the source of our life in Christ. Holy Mass makes present the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. There is no greater prayer, because the Mass is the perfect offering of the Son of God to his heavenly Father.

The tradition began in the early Church when the faithful would donate bread and wine for the Eucharist. In time, donations of money were substituted, which would support the clergy in their ministry. Our diocese recommends a minimum donation of £10. All donations for Mass Intentions are voluntary offerings, since the Holy Eucharist is the universal prayer of all the Church.

Mass Cards are available from the the parish office.