You can also give to your parish by:
- setting up a standing order by clicking on Standing Order May 2020 with added Gift Aid if you are a tax payer by clicking on Gift Aid Declaration
- writing a cheque to "WRCDT St John's Wood" and dropping it through our post box
- using the GiftAid collecting contactless giving machines at the church doors with your bank card, Smart phone or Smart watch (using Apple Pay or Google Pay).
- using planned giving envelopes and indicating to the Parish Bookkeeper if you would still like a set for the next financial year
- placing cash or cheques in the traditional offertory bags.
Alternatively you might like to make a one-off transfer with a BACS payment to:
WRCDT St Johns Wood
Sort Code 40 05 20,
Account Number 71026135
If you are a UK taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. The government will top up your gift by 25 percent, meaning a £20 offering becomes £25, at no cost to you. To Gift Aid your bank transfer donations, please send an email to with the following information:
– Your parish name
– Your title, first name and surname
– Your address and postcode
– The date of your gift, or start date of Standing Order
– The amount
– Please add the line: ‘Please Gift Aid my donations’
The Diocese Gift Aid office will add your declaration immediately, on behalf of your parish, and email you a confirmation.
There is more information on the following page
Diocesan Guide to Gift Aid or the Diocesan website
here or from the Government website here
Tax Relief and Gift Aid.
Thank you for your incredible generosity. May God bless you and your loved ones.